Edition Contents
Tools, & Craftsmanship
& Drying Fish
Pegs, & Lashings
Trees &
Clutch & Chain
& Vapor Barriers
Lamps & Gas Stoves
A Boat
& Spark Plugs
Motor Lower Unit
Motor Cooling System
- Cut a small tree. Have a person push the tree with a pole held
ten to twelve feet up the trunk. Does the pole help to push the
tree over with enough inertia that it doesn’t get hung up?
It should help greatly. Don’t push the tree by hand.
There isn’t enough leverage, and the person pushing is too
close to the chainsaw.
- Purchase a couple of plastic wedges. Use them to tip trees
that are leaning the wrong way. Make wooden wedges out of dry
wood. Compare the results. One person should run the saw and another
person drive the wedges.
Wedges are absolutely amazing. They can lift and fall a tree
in the complete opposite direction than it is leaning.
- Before falling a tree, stand back and hang an axe head down
from your hand at arm’s length. It will hang straight down
according to gravity. Line the axe handle in your sight against
the tree. Can you see any leaning of the tree? Does this help
determine how you fall the tree? Some people say this isn’t
worth doing on flat ground, but helps greatly on a slight hillside.
What do you think?
A good eye on flat ground can tell which direction a tree
will go, but on a hillside it is tough without some kind of plumb
bob. The axe serves this purpose.
- Ask local people how they release trees that are hung up.
This is very dangerous. Don’t follow any advise, just
get opinions.
- Have a contest. Let several people put a stick in the ground
twenty-five feet away from a tree. See who can fall their tree
the closest to the stake. Make good use of the trees.
This is a good test of ability to fall a tree. Use constant
caution. There is no aspect of falling trees that isn’t dangerous.
- Ask local people if they can tell the difference between falling
trees in summer and winter. Do they snap more noticeably in the
They should notice that trees snap a little quicker in the
winter. In the summer they groan and slowly go over.
- Ask local people what happens if you fall a tree and don’t
first make a notch in the front of the tree. Do their comments
agree with the above text?
I tried this once. It sent me and my saw at least 15’.
Believe it, but don’t demonstrate! The idea of this conversation
is to keep students from ever making this mistake on their own.
- Try skidding a log on the ground. Put skids underneath as described
in the text above. What are the differences?
It should be very noticeable.
- Ask the oldtimers in the village if there are any pictures
of the old winches that were used to pull logs up the bank.
- Ask them how they skidded the logs. Did any of them do it in
the manner described in the above text?
Student Response
- Draw a tree whose center of gravity is leaning to the right.
- Why would a living tree be more effected by the wind than a
dead one?
The branches have needles to catch the wind.
- Draw what will happen if there is no notch in the front of
the tree.
The tree will split up the trunk and endanger the logger and
- Draw what will happen if the notch on the front of the tree
is not V cut, but only as wide as the saw blade.
It will fall until the cut is closed and then will stop. The
tree will not fall unless the whole hinge is cut, which is dangerous.
- Draw the top view of the stump of a tree that was made to pull
to the left.
- Why is it dangerous to completely cut the hinge when falling
a tree?
The tree can fall in any direction. The butt of the tree can
jump in any direction.
- Why is falling trees more dangerous in the winter than in the
The frozen trees snap and fall quickly rather than leaning
and stretching the way they do in the summer.
- Why does the logger want the tree to fall fast once it starts
to go down?
Its inertia will carry it through branches of other trees
that might hang it up.
- When skidding logs out of the woods, what is the most important
thing to avoid? Name one technique for doing this.
Avoid friction. Peel some small blocks and skid the tree on
the smooth rounded surface of the blocks.
- From the whole lesson, list four things that are dangerous
when logging.
Cutting the hinge. Logging against the wind, not cutting a
notch on the side the tree is to fall. Trees that have fallen
and are wedged between other trees.
- Matt can fall and limb 25 trees a day. He can cut an average
of 36’ of 6” x 6” houselogs from each tree. His
house is going to be 24’ x 32’ with 8’ high walls
(each linear foot of houselog = .5 square foot). Approximately
how many days must he log in order to get enough logs to make
his house out of three-sided logs?
He needs 1792 linear feet of house logs. This is 49.7 or 50
logs. It will take him 2 days to fall and limb the logs and 2
days to mill the logs. Total 4 days.
- Matt is done with his house. He figures that he needs 5 cords
of wood to get through the winter. A cord of wood is 4’ x
4’ x 8’. He can cut and split approximately 100 cubic
feet of wood a day. How long will it take him to cut and split
enough wood for all winter?
5 cords is 640 cu. ft. This is approximately 6.4–6.5
- Harold can fall and raft 100 logs in 7 days. Two men can do
the same job in 3 days. He has to take time off his job making
$100 a day to do this. He can pay his nephew $80 a day to help
him. Which is cheaper for Harold: to work alone or hire help?
If he works alone it costs him $700 in lost wages.
If he hires his nephew, it costs him $300 in lost wages for himself
and $240 to hire his nephew. He saves $160 by hiring his nephew.
In addition, he is teaching his nephew and he is being more responsible
to his job. None of this takes the IRS into account.