• The next Sharing Our Knowledge conference is scheduled for 2015 in Juneau on October 28, 29, 30, 31, and November 1. The theme of this conference is: Haa saaxú, haa latseení (Our names, our strength). For more information email Peter Metcalfe <metcom@gci.net> and please copy Gerry Hope <ghopeone@gmail.com> and Alice Taff <alicetaff@gmail.com>

    “Sharing Our Knowledge” is a multi-disciplinary conference that includes artists, academics, students and other learners meeting with Alaska Native tradition bearers, elders, and fluent speakers to discuss subjects such as linguistics, archaeology, art and music, Alaska Native history, museum studies, cultural anthropology, indigenous law and protocols, fisheries, and traditional ecological knowledge.

    For information: 
    Tlingit Readers, Inc., 3740 N. Douglas Hwy, Juneau, AK 99801

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  • Evening of Nov. 6, 2013, "Warming Our Hands," Juneau Arts & Culture Center
    Nov. 7-10, 2013, Juneau Centennial Hall and Convention Center
    Juneau, Alaska

    “Sharing Our Knowledge” is a multi-disciplinary conference that includes artists, academics, students and other learners meeting with Alaska Native tradition bearers, elders, and fluent speakers to discuss subjects such as linguistics, archaeology, art and music, Alaska Native history, museum studies, cultural anthropology, indigenous law and protocols, fisheries, and traditional ecological knowledge.

    For information: 
    Tlingit Readers, Inc., 3740 N. Douglas Hwy, Juneau, AK 99801

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  • March 29 - April 1, 2012
    Harrigan Hall
    Sitka, Alaska

    “Sharing Our Knowledge” is a multi-disciplinary conference that includes artists, academics, students and other learners meeting with Alaska Native tradition bearers, elders, and fluent speakers to discuss subjects such as linguistics, archaeology, art and music, Alaska Native history, museum studies, cultural anthropology, indigenous law and protocols, fisheries, and traditional ecological knowledge.

    For information:
    Tlingit Readers, Inc., 3740 N. Douglas Hwy, Juneau, AK 99801

    Guest access
  • The 2009 theme, “Haa Shkalneekx’í Wooshteen Kanaxtulaneegí: Telling Our Stories” highlights the importance of oratory and writing to modern Tlingit culture. Other sessions and presentations may focus on a wide variety of topics relating to Tlingit culture.

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  • This was the first such gathering in a decade. Earlier conferences were held in Haines/Klukwan (1993), Sitka (1995), Ketchikan (1996), and Sitka (1997), reports Andrew Hope III, the leading force behind the previous gatherings. Hope was joined this year by curator Steve Henrikson (University of Alaska/Alaska State Museum) and anthropologist Sergei Kan (Dartmouth College), who served as co-organizers.

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