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    Evening of Nov. 6, 2013, "Warming Our Hands," Juneau Arts & Culture Center
    Nov. 7-10, 2013, Juneau Centennial Hall and Convention Center
    Juneau, Alaska


    “Sharing Our Knowledge” is a multi-disciplinary conference that includes artists, academics, students and other learners meeting with Alaska Native tradition bearers, elders, and fluent speakers to discuss subjects such as linguistics, archaeology, art and music, Alaska Native history, museum studies, cultural anthropology, indigenous law and protocols, fisheries, and traditional ecological knowledge.

    For information:
    Tlingit Readers, Inc., 3740 N. Douglas Hwy, Juneau, AK 99801




    Please see attached registration form. If you plan on attending the conference, please fill it out and return by email.
    If you wish to pre-pay, please mail a check with your prepared registration form to the address indicated (Tlingit Readers/3740 N. Douglas Hwy/Juneau, AK 99801).
    We are unable to accept credit card payments.
    Thank you for your interest in the Clan Conference.
    Peter Metcalfe
    Director of Communications
    2013 Planning Committee:
    Gerry Hope, Executive Director; Alice Taff, Event Coordinator; Dione Cadiente, Dick Dauenhauer, Ishmael Hope, Marsha Hotch, Steve Henrikson, Harold Jacobs, Sergei Kan, Peter Metcalfe,  Kathy Ruddy, and Lance A Twitchell.

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    2013 Clan Conference: deadline for presentation proposals

    Please be advised that our deadline for presentation proposals is July 31.

    The next "Sharing Our Knowledge: a Conference of Tlingit Tribes and Clans," will be held in Juneau beginning Nov. 6 with an evening Warming of the Hands ceremony at the Juneau Arts and Culture Center, continuing with the conference proper from Nov. 7 through 10 at the Juneau Centennial Hall and Convention Center.
    Please feel free to share this email with anyone who may have an interest in making a presentation at this event.
    The attached pdf provides background information on the event and information on how to submit presentation proposals.
    The attached MS Word document is the actual proposal form. Feel free to include a separate page describing your presentation.
    We encourage your participation.


    To update your contact information: send to

    To inquire about presentations: send to

    For general information, questions, or suggestions, please contact:

    Gerry Hope, Executive Director: • P.O. Box 2191• Sitka, AK 99835

    (907) 738-3377 •

    The organizing committee:
    Gerry Hope
    Lance Twitchell
    Steve Henrikson
    Alice Taff
    Dionne Cadiente
    Harold Jacobs
    Sergei Kan
    Ishmael Hope
    Richard Dauenhauer
    Nora Dauenhauer
    Marsha Hotch
    Kathy Ruddy
    Peter Metcalfe


"Chilkat Spirit" by Mike A. Jackson
"Chilkat Spirit" by Mike A. Jackson

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