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Native Pathways to Education
Alaska Native Cultural Resources
Indigenous Knowledge Systems
Indigenous Education Worldwide

"Teaching Our Many Grandchildren"






E. A student should understand and be able to evaluate how humans and physical environments interact.


G. A student should understand the impact of economic choices and participate effectively in the local, state, national, and global economies.


E. A student should be able to use technology responsibly and understand its impact on individuals and society.


A. Culturally knowledgeable students are well grounded in the cultural heritage and traditions of their community.

D. Culturally knowledgeable students are able to engage effectively in learning activities that are based on traditional ways of knowing and learning.

E. Culturally knowledgeable students demonstrate an awareness and appreciation of the relationships and processes of interaction of all elements in the world around them.

Raw Materials

Lena Charley sewing a basket of birch bark and spruce roots.
Lena Charley sewing a basket of birch bark and spruce roots.


Students will:

1. learn about raw materials used to make products.

2. understand why traditional materials did not become trash.

3. compare traditional materials with those today.




  1. Go on a nature hike. Record the resources you see. Meet with the Elders/an Elder and discuss the traditional uses for each resource.
  2. In the classroom record the products you observe around you and their origin. Discuss your findings and the traditional uses.
  3. Divide the class into groups. Each group can draw a "web" or "bubble-map" that shows the interconnectedness of resources and traditional activities.

Discussion Ideas:

  1. Discuss this problem: "If no motorized vehicle could come into or out of our Village, thus stopping the input of supplies, what would be the effect on our lives? Make a list of your activities for one day and the products you use. Discuss whether they'd be available if no motorized vehicle could come or go into or out of our Village.
  2. Compare traditional and modern versions of everyday use items (clothing, food, cooking and eating utensils, fuel, transportation, entertainment). A good one to start with might be a jacket - students can probably easily grasp origin and processing of the materials for a traditional hide or fur parka, but how about the materials in a modern insulated nylon/Gortex parka, or even a wool shirt?
  3. Discuss what would happen if there was a national or statewide emergency that stopped the flow of goods into our Village. What would we do in the meantime or until the emergency ended?

A traditional baby carrier made from birch bark, spruce root, and moose hide.

A traditional baby carrier made from birch bark, spruce root, and moose hide.

An example of how one resource is utilized in a variety of ways.

 An example of how one resource is utilized in a variety of ways.


MSTC Mission Statement



In A Sacred Manner, by Wilson Justin

Learn & Serve Focus Groups

People icon



Interview of Elders

Clans of Chistochina & Mentasta

Why Are We Here?

Who We Are

Land icon


Our Way of Life

Mapping the Village

What A Waste

Raw Materials

Our Natural Resources


Water icon


Water, Water

Our Watershed

Food icon


Where Does Our Food Come From?

Gathering, Traditions and Nutrition of our Food

Keeping Ourselves Healthy

A Student Led Health Fair

Assessment & Performance Evaluation


Learn & Serve Program

Sources, Resources

Thank You


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Alaska Native Knowledge Network
University of Alaska Fairbanks
PO Box 756730
Fairbanks  AK 99775-6730
Phone (907) 474.1902
Fax (907) 474.1957
Questions or comments?
Last modified August 17, 2006