English/Language Arts
A. A student should be able to speak and write well for a
variety of purposes and audiences.
B. A student should be a competent and thoughtful reader,
listener, and viewer of literature, technical materials, and
a variety of other information.
C. A student should be able to identify and select from
multiple strategies in order to complete projects
independently and cooperatively.
E. A student should understand and respect the
perspectives of others in order to communicate
A. A student should be able to make and use maps, globes,
and graphs to gather, analyze, and report spatial
B. A student should be able to utilize, analyze, and
explain information about the human and physical features of
places and regions.
E. A student should understand and be able to evaluate
how humans and physical environments interact.
F. A student should be able to use geography to
understand the world by interpreting the past, knowing the
present, and preparing for the future.
B. Culturally knowledgeable students are able to build on
the knowledge and skills of the local cultural community as
a foundation from which to achieve personal and academic
success throughout life.
C. Culturally knowledgeable students are able to actively
participate in various cultural environments.
D. Culturally knowledgeable students are able to engage
effectively in learning activities that are based on
traditional ways of knowing and learning.