Fifty Patterns for Making Sense


47.  Exercise


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Get regular exercise.  Have an exercise session BEFORE any significant communication session.  Don't wait until after.





Stress is a physical response to a difficult or threatening situation.  it is a response that is as old as our reflexes.  Chronic stress comes from living under stress day in and day out.  The most common symptoms are headaches and muscular aches and pains, deparession, a feeling of nothing making sense,, sleeplessness, and rigidity in attitudes.

Stress can lead to serious health problems as well as social and communicative problems.  In conversation, the person under stress often speeds up in relation to the other and ends by interrupting and dominating the other.  This 'crowding' of the other speaker is a strong symptom of stress.

The most direct way to cope with stress is to give your body the physical exercise it is crying out to get.  The body's response to stress is to gear up for heavy physical activity such as fighting or running away.  If you keep the body in that keyed up condition it will break down sooner or late.r  Getting regular, physical exercise is absolutely necessary for coping under conditions of stress.  At the same time, be sure your exercise does not reinforce your Type-A behavior.  Avoid sports that are competitive or emphasize your time urgency.



The most local of localities is your own body.  Start locally (2) at your own body as a way of learning to listen (22).  Don't hope for major changes right away, but be content with small differences (23).  Watch your diet (48) as well and make it match your exercise plan.



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50 patterns for making sense

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