And so it is that Arctic
terns have very bright bodies. And they have glasses that
are really good although these glasses at one time weren't
the tern's. It was the Sabine's gull that had the glasses.
The gull gave its glasses to the tern, but when the gull
wanted its glasses back the tern didn't want to give them
And the tern flew away
some place catching lots of food, and the Sabine's gull who
had good eyes now couldn't see very well any
The Arctic tern was a
dangerous predator because it was very good at catching its
own food and at fighting enemies. The tern will dive
It will dive at any kind
of bird even while it is flying in midair and try to get
Tuaiguq una Teqiiyaq.
Teqiiyarat aciat cakneq tanqegcitqapigtetuut.
Ackingqetutguq Teqiiyaarat
cakneq takvviqpigtellrianek taugaamuq nakmiin pikelrunritak
taukuk ackigni Teqiiyaaram igni. Kailerminiguq Teqiiyaaram
tauna Nacallngaq aptellrua ackigkenek navraqeryulune.
Tuaiguq tauna Nacallngaram ackignii navriskilii.
Teqiiyaaramuq tauna taicesqengakek taukuk ignii qunukelruak
taugaam tegullukek pikliullukek elli taugaam kiirarmi
picurilune taumekllu cakneq tuai picuqapiglluni.
Tauna tuagken takvillekguq
takviarulluni Nacallngaram.
Teqiiyaaq taugaam
alingnaqlluni cali. Camekllu callukminek tuai
piliiqengarluni icug pugugarlalriit alingnaqlluteng.
Piciatun tuai yaqulget pugugarluki kiliiratukait.