Alaska Native Knowledge Network
Resources for compiling and exchanging information related to Alaska Native knowledge systems and ways of knowing.

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Culturally-Based Curriculum Resources

The curriculum resources included here have been selected to illustrate ways in which Indigenous and Western knowledge systems can be brought to bear in schools through a balanced, comprehensive and culturally-aligned curriculum framework adaptable to local circumstances. The resources are intended to help teachers and students make the connection between the knowledge, skills and ways of knowing used to maintain a livelihood in the villages, and the knowledge, skills and cultural standards for teaching and learning reflected in the school curriculum.

The resources are cataloged into cultural themes using the Curriculum Spiral Chart. You can search the database using the chart or the search engine below. Anyone wishing to contribute to this site is encouraged to contact the ANKN Website Administrator at (907) 474-5897, or click here to send an email message. It cannot be over emphasized to use local Elders from your community as a resource for education.

Online Resources

ANKN Publications

Culturally-Responsive Units/Lessons

Curriculum Spiral Chart

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Iceberg Analogy

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