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Resource Directory

Here is the Resource List which was compiled for the First Alaskans Institute. If you wish to contribute to the Resource List, please email Sean Topkok.

To see how the directory is categorized, go to Directory Categories

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Organization Name: Chugach Extension Correspondence
Organization Type: School
Category: Accountability/Governance


310 Egan Street, Suite 212
Valdez, AK 99686

School District: Valdez City School District
ANCSA: Chugach Alaska Corporation
Census Area: Valdez-Cordova
Organization Name: Chugach Heritage Foundation
Organization Type: Regional Native Foundation/AEC
Category: Student Financial Support

Barbara Page
Project Coordinator
560 East 34th Avenue, Suite 104
Anchorage, AK 99503

School District: Anchorage School District
ANCSA: Chugach Alaska Corporation
Census Area: Anchorage
Organization Name: Chugach Optional Elementary
Organization Type: School
Category: Anchorage School District


1205 E Street
Anchorage, AK 99501

School District: Anchorage School District
ANCSA: Cook Inlet Region Incorporated
Census Area: Anchorage
Organization Name: Chugach School District
Organization Type: School District
Category: Accountability/Governance

Rich DeLorenzo
9312 Vanguard Drive, Suite 100
Anchorage, AK 99507

The Chugach School District Office is based in Anchorage, Alaska. Chugach's 214 students are scattered throughout 22,000 square miles of mostly isolated and remote areas of South Central Alaska. With 30 faculty and staff, CSD is the smallest organization to ever win a Baldrige Award. CSD delivers instruction in education from preschool up to age 21 in a comprehensive, standards-based system. Education occurs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Instruction is delivered in the work place, in the community, in the home and in school. Half (50%) of the students in the Chugach School District are minorities (Alaska Natives).

School District: Chugach School District
ANCSA: Chugach Alaska Corporation
Census Area: Anchorage
Organization Name: Chugachmiut
Organization Type: Regional Native Non-Profit
Category: Common Shared Visions

Laura Johnson
Executive Director
4201 Tudor Centre Drive, Suite 210
Anchorage, AK 99508

School District: Anchorage School District
ANCSA: Cook Inlet Region Incorporated
Census Area: Anchorage
Organization Name: Chugiak Elementary
Organization Type: School
Category: Accountability/Governance


P.O. Box 670030
Chugiak, AK 99567

School District: Anchorage School District
ANCSA: Cook Inlet Region Incorporated
Census Area: Anchorage
Organization Name: Chugiak High School
Organization Type: School
Category: Accountability/Governance


P.O. Box 770218
Eagle River, AK 99577

School District: Anchorage School District
ANCSA: Cook Inlet Region Incorporated
Census Area: Anchorage
Organization Name: Circle School
Organization Type: School
Category: Accountability/Governance


P.O. Box 33049
Circle, AK 99733

School District: Yukon Flats School District
ANCSA: Doyon, Limited
Census Area: Yukon-Koyukuk
Organization Name: Circle Village Council
Organization Type:
Category: Leadership Development

Larry Nathanial

General Delivery
Circle, AK 99733

School District: Yukon Flats School District
ANCSA: Doyon, Limited
Census Area: Yukon-Koyukuk
Organization Name: Citizens for the Educational Advancement of Alaska's Children (CEAAC)
Organization Type: Non Profit
Category: Parent, Individual, and Community Involvement

Spike Jorgenson
Executive Director
P.O. Box 132
Tok, AK 99780

CEAAC does not promote a rural versus urban or a native versus non-native approach to school program funding problems or to the school facilities problems which have been identified. CEAAC does not advocate that any public school funds be taken away from one group of children and given to another. We are looking for solutions that will be of value to children throughout Alaska, wherever they live and regardless of their race. It is CEAAC's position that all students in Alaska deserve adequate school facilities and excellent school programs. Children are too young and too powerless to speak for themselves on this issue. We sincerely believe that the responsible adults in Alaska - and that is all of us - need to be willing to step forward and advocate for the children of Alaska.

School District: Alaska Gateway School District
ANCSA: Doyon, Limited
Census Area: Southeast Fairbanks

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