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Resource Directory

Here is the Resource List which was compiled for the First Alaskans Institute. If you wish to contribute to the Resource List, please email Sean Topkok.

To see how the directory is categorized, go to Directory Categories

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Organization Name: North Star Elementary (Anchorage)
Organization Type: School
Category: Anchorage School District


605 West Fireweed Lane
Anchorage, AK 99503

School District: Anchorage School District
ANCSA: Cook Inlet Region Incorporated
Census Area: Anchorage
Organization Name: North Star Elementary (Kodiak)
Organization Type: School
Category: Accountability/Governance


722 Mill Bay Road
Kodiak, AK 99615

School District: Kodiak Island Borough School District
ANCSA: Koniag Incorporated
Census Area: Kodiak Island Borough
Organization Name: North Star Hospital
Organization Type: School
Category: Anchorage School District


1650 South Bragaw Road
Anchorage, AK 99508

School District: Anchorage School District
ANCSA: Cook Inlet Region Incorporated
Census Area: Anchorage
Organization Name: Northern Lights ABC K-8 School
Organization Type: School
Category: Anchorage School District


2424 East Dowling Road
Anchorage, AK 99507

School District: Anchorage School District
ANCSA: Cook Inlet Region Incorporated
Census Area: Anchorage
Organization Name: Northwest Arctic Borough School District
Organization Type: School District
Category: Accountability/Governance

Michael Dunleavy
P.O. Box 51
Kotzebue, AK 99752

School District: Northwest Arctic Borough School District
ANCSA: NANA Regional Corporation
Census Area: Northwest Arctic Borough
Organization Name: Northwest Regional Education Laboratory (NWREL)
Organization Type:
Category: Research

Works to improve education in the Northwest; includes reports on best practices; offers free subscription magazine on education.

School District:
Census Area:
Organization Name: Northwood Elementary
Organization Type: School
Category: Anchorage School District


4807 Northwood Drive
Anchorage, AK 99503

School District: Anchorage School District
ANCSA: Cook Inlet Region Incorporated
Census Area: Anchorage
Organization Name: Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation
Organization Type: CDQ
Category: Student Financial Support

Jerry Ivanoff
601 West 5th Avenue, Suite. 415
Anchorage, AK 99503

The EET program provides $1,250 scholarships for students enrolled full time at an accredited college, university or vocational school. Norton Sound residents must complete a scholarship application and must meet the eligibility requirements.

School District: Bering Straits School District
ANCSA: Bering Straits Native Corporation
Census Area: Nome
Organization Name: Nuiqsut Trapper School
Organization Type: School
Category: Accountability/Governance


P.O. Box 167
Nuiqsut, AK 99789

School District: North Slope Borough School District
ANCSA: Arctic Slope Regional Corporation
Census Area: North Slope Borough
Organization Name: Nunaka Valley Elementary
Organization Type: School
Category: Anchorage School District


1905 Twining Drive
Anchorage, AK 99504

School District: Anchorage School District
ANCSA: Cook Inlet Region Incorporated
Census Area: Anchorage

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