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Resource Directory

Here is the Resource List which was compiled for the First Alaskans Institute. If you wish to contribute to the Resource List, please email Sean Topkok.

To see how the directory is categorized, go to Directory Categories

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Organization Name: University of Alaska Fairbanks School of Education
Organization Type: University/College
Category: Research

Oscar Kawagley

P.O. Box 756730
Fairbanks, AK 99775

Angayuqaq Oscar Kawagley is a Yupiaq indigenous educator and faculty member of UA's School of Education. In addition to working as a rural teacher for many years, he has served as CEO for various enterprises including a Native corporation. From 1980 -1986 he was a member of the Executive Committee of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference, and has also served on numerous state and regional task forces on Native education.

School District: Fairbanks North Star Borough School District
ANCSA: Doyon, Limited
Census Area: Fairbanks North Star Borough
Organization Name: University of Alaska Southeast
Organization Type: University/College
Category: Accountability/Governance

John Pugh
11120 Glacier Highway
Juneau, AK 99801

School District: Juneau School District
ANCSA: Sealaska Corporation
Census Area: Juneau Borough
Organization Name: University Park Elementary
Organization Type: School
Category: Accountability/Governance


554 Loftus Road
Fairbanks, AK 99709

School District: Fairbanks North Star Borough School District
ANCSA: Doyon, Limited
Census Area: Fairbanks North Star Borough
Organization Name: Urban/Rural Youth Program
Organization Type:
Category: Leadership Development

Panu Lucier

Alaska Humanities Forum, 421 West 1st Avenue, Suite 300
Anchorage, AK 99501

School District: Anchorage School District
ANCSA: Cook Inlet Region Incorporated
Census Area: Anchorage
Organization Name: Ursa Major Elementary
Organization Type: School
Category: Accountability/Governance


454 Dyea Street
Fort Richardson, AK 99505

School District: Anchorage School District
ANCSA: Cook Inlet Region Incorporated
Census Area: Anchorage
Organization Name: Ursa Minor Elementary
Organization Type: School
Category: Accountability/Governance


338 Hoonah Avenue
Fort Richardson, AK 99505

School District: Anchorage School District
ANCSA: Cook Inlet Region Incorporated
Census Area: Anchorage

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