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Resource Directory

Here is the Resource List which was compiled for the First Alaskans Institute. If you wish to contribute to the Resource List, please email Sean Topkok.

To see how the directory is categorized, go to Directory Categories

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Organization Name: Yaakoosge Daakahidi Alternative High School
Organization Type: School
Category: Accountability/Governance

Ronalda Cadiente
Administrative Liason
811 West 12th Street
Juneau, AK 99801

Yaakoosg? Daakah?di Alternative High School is a City and Borough of Juneau School District high school program designed to provide an opportunity for students outside the mainstream to receive an education and graduate with a diploma.

School District: Juneau School District
ANCSA: Sealaska Corporation
Census Area: Juneau Borough
Organization Name: Yakov E. Netsvetov School
Organization Type: School
Category: Accountability/Governance


P.O. Box 47050
Atka, AK 99547

School District: Aleutian Region School District
ANCSA: Aleut Corporation
Census Area: Aleutians West Borough
Organization Name: Yakutat City School District
Organization Type: School District
Category: Accountability/Governance

Dr. Carla Sheive
P.O. Box 429
Yakutat, AK 99689

School District: Yakutat School Districts
ANCSA: Sealaska Corporation
Census Area: Yakutat
Organization Name: Yakutat City School District Cultural Program
Organization Type: School District
Category: Cultural Awareness in Education

Katie Converse
Beading Teacher

P.O. Box 429
Yakutat, AK 99689

School District: Yakutat School Districts
ANCSA: Sealaska Corporation
Census Area: Yakutat
Organization Name: Yakutat School
Organization Type: School
Category: Accountability/Governance


P.O. Box 429
Yakutat, AK 99689

School District: Yakutat School Districts
ANCSA: Sealaska Corporation
Census Area: Yakutat
Organization Name: Yakutat Tlingit Tribe
Organization Type:
Category: Leadership Development

Bert Adams, Sr.

P.O. Box 418
Yakutat, AK 99618

School District: Yakutat School Districts
ANCSA: Sealaska Corporation
Census Area: Yakutat
Organization Name: Youth Enrichment Program (Cook Inlet Tribal Council)
Organization Type: Regional Native Non- Profit
Category: Leadership Development

Glo Schetzle
Program Manager
121 West Fireweed Lane, Suite 150
Anchorage, AK 99503

This program provides educational programs to youth from the 40 villages served by the Youth Opportunity Grant through a counselor stationed at Alaska Pacific University and University of Alaska Anchorage. A three-week Summer Bridging Program is available for rural youth from these villages. Activities include orientation to the University of Alaska Anchorage campus and classes, transition skills for living in Anchorage and exposure to career opportunities in urban and rural settings. Students from Youth Opportunity Program villages are eligible to use all CITC educational services throughout the academic year while pursuing their post-secondary certificate or degree.

School District: Anchorage School District
ANCSA: Cook Inlet Region Incorporated
Census Area: Anchorage
Organization Name: Youth Opportunities Program (Cook Inlet Tribal Council)
Organization Type: Regional Native Non-Profit
Category: Leadership Development

MJ Longley
YOP Coordinator
670 West Fireweed Lane, Suite 202
Anchorage, AK 99503

Provides both in-school and out-of-school youth ages 14-21 with a variety of employment, education and youth development services. Approximately 1,500 youth and young adults have been enrolled statewide in the second year of the program's five-year plan. Local and regional staff assisted by high school counselors, tribal service providers, parents and other village resources are recruiting and referring students to the centers to identify their individual needs. Students are matched with partnering programs and referred to local and regional resources for additional assistance.

School District: Anchorage School District
ANCSA: Cook Inlet Region Incorporated
Census Area: Anchorage
Organization Name: Youth Opportunities Program (YO!)
Organization Type: Regional Native Non-Profit
Category: Leadership Development

Branson Tungiyan
c/o Kawerak, Incorporated, P.O. Box 948
Nome, AK 99762

In cooperation with Cook Inlet Tribal Council, Kawerak administers the Youth Opportunities Program (YO!) in the villages of Gambell, Savoonga, Shishmaref and Stebbins. Its mission is to promote self-esteem and self-determination through a culturally-appropriate program of education, training, occupational experience, and related services for youth. Participants must be 14-21 years of age and officially enrolled in the YO! Program. Youth may receive career counseling, training, work experience, and be referred to partners such as Job Corps, Alaska Military Youth Academy, Bethel Alternative Boarding School, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and the Youth Enrichment Program.? They may also participate as youth council members and become involved with fun and educational village-based activities and projects.

School District: Nome City School District
ANCSA: Bering Straits Native Corporation
Census Area: Nome
Organization Name: Youth Survivors Camp
Organization Type:
Category: Leadership Development

Kim Carlo

, AK

School District:
Census Area:
Organization Name: Yukon Delta Fisheries Development Association
Organization Type: CDQ
Category: Student Financial Support

Ragnar Alstrom
Executive Director

2200 6th Avenue, Suite 707
Seattle, WA 98121

School District:
Census Area:
Organization Name: Yukon Delta NWR Ellamek Taringnautvik
Organization Type:
Category: Leadership Development

Donna Hanley

P.O. Box 346
Bethel, AK 99559

School District: Lower Kuskokwim School District
ANCSA: Calista Corporation
Census Area: Bethel
Organization Name: Yukon Flats Correspondence School
Organization Type: School
Category: Accountability/Governance


P.O. Box 359
Fort Yukon, AK 99740

School District: Yukon Flats School District
ANCSA: Doyon, Limited
Census Area: Yukon-Koyukuk
Organization Name: Yukon Flats School District
Organization Type: School District
Category: Accountability/Governance
P.O. Box 359
Fort Yukon, AK 99740

School District: Yukon Flats School District
ANCSA: Doyon, Limited
Census Area: Yukon-Koyukuk
Organization Name: Yukon River Academy Correspondence
Organization Type: School
Category: Accountability/Governance


1261 Seward Meridian Road, Suite J
Wasilla, AK 99654

School District: Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District
ANCSA: Cook Inlet Region Incorporated
Census Area: Matanuska-Susitna Borough
Organization Name: Yukon/Koyukuk School District
Organization Type: School District
Category: Accountability/Governance
4762 Old Airport Way
Fairbanks, AK 99709

The district supports Native or Heritage Language instruction in Koyukuk and Tanana Athabaskan. A complete curriculum for teaching Koyukuk K-12 has been published in conjunction with the Alaska Native Language Center at the University of Alaska.

School District: Fairbanks North Star Borough School District
ANCSA: Doyon, Limited
Census Area: Fairbanks North Star Borough
Organization Name: Yup'ik as a Second Language (Lower Yukon School District)
Organization Type: School District
Category: Language Immersion Schools/ Language Education

Joanna Wassillie
Bilingual Coordinator
P.O. Box 32089
Mountain Village, AK 99632

Lower Yukon School District serves a predominately Yup'ik Eskimo student population in 11 village sites. The majority of the sites provide Yup'ik as a Second Language (YSL) classroom instruction, and one site that provides a newly installed Language Immersion for the kindergarten level. All K-8th grades are required to receive bilingual instruction for at least 25 minutes a day; some sites expand into high school grades as elective.

School District: Lower Yukon School District
ANCSA: Calista Corporation
Census Area: Wade-Hampton
Organization Name: Yupiit School District
Organization Type: School District
Category: Accountability/Governance

P.O. Box 51100
Akiachak, AK 99551

School District: Yupiit School District
ANCSA: Calista Corporation
Census Area: Bethel

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