Alaska Native Knowledge Network
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Resource Directory

Here is the Resource List which was compiled for the First Alaskans Institute. If you wish to contribute to the Resource List, please email Sean Topkok.

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Organization Name: World Indigenous People's Conference on Education 1999 (WIPCE)
Organization Type:
Category: Educator Support and Professional Development

Many papers from around the world on indigenous education.

School District:
Census Area:


Organization Name: Alaska Native Language Center (University of Alaska Fairbanks)
Organization Type: University/College
Category: Language Immersion Schools/ Language Education

Larry Kaplan
P.O. Box 757680
Fairbanks, AK 99775

Established in 1972 by state legislation as a center for documentation and cultivation of the state's 20 Native languages.

School District: Fairbanks North Star Borough School District
ANCSA: Doyon, Limited
Census Area: Fairbanks North Star Borough
Organization Name: Aleut Language Classes (A/PIA)
Organization Type: Regional Native Non-Profit
Category: Language Immersion Schools/ Language Education

Dimitri Philemonof
201 East 3rd Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99501

Unangam Tunuu (Aleut Language) - Language Revitalization provides services which promote use and education in Unangam Tunuu. The department offers Unangam Tunuu Ikidusingin Beginning Aleut Language evening classes twice monthly from September 2001 through April 2002. Staff develops, promotes and distributes language education materials. Staff is also working on a region-wide program to revitalize Unangam Tunuu. Aleut Heritage Library has a collection of Aleut language material (with new additions when they can be found). Materials are available for teachers and students. Aleut Language Night began teaching introductory Aleut language classes in the evenings at A/PIA's Anchorage office. These classes are taught by Iliodor Philemonof. Association also provides GED test preparation and examination; English as a Second Language; and Life Skills instruction.

School District: Anchorage School District
ANCSA: Aleut Corporation
Census Area: Anchorage
Organization Name: Athabascan Language Development Institute
Organization Type: University/College
Category: Language Immersion Schools/ Language Education

Beth Leonard
Language Coordinator-Instructor
c/o TCC 122 First Avenue, Suite 600
Fairbanks, AK 99701

School District:
Census Area:
Organization Name: Ayaprun Elitnaurvik Yup'ik Immersion
Organization Type: School
Category: Language Immersion Schools/ Language Education

Chris Meier
P.O. Box 2068
Bethel, AK 99559

Our mission is to help strengthen Yup'ik language and culture, to promote understanding of cultural differences, to enhance one's own cultural identity and to accept that of others.

School District: Lower Kuskokwim School District
ANCSA: Calista Corporation
Census Area: Bethel
Organization Name: Chugach Alutiiq Immersian Preschool (Nanwalek)
Organization Type: Schools
Category: Language Immersion Schools/ Language Education

Sally Ash

P.O. Box 8076
Nanwalwek, AK 99603

Sally and her husband Marlon lead the implementation of a Chugach Alutiiq Immersion pre-school in Nanwalek. She taught at summer culture camps in the Kodiak Alutiiq region and serves as a resource for Alutiiq language revitalization.

School District: Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
ANCSA: Chugach Alaska Corporation
Census Area: Kenai Peninsula Borough
Organization Name: Denaqenage' Career Ladder Program (Interior Athabascan Tribal College)
Organization Type: University/College
Category: Language Immersion Schools/ Language Education

Beth Leonard
Language Coordinator-Instructor
c/o TCC 122 First Avenue, Suite 600
Fairbanks, AK 99701

Currently, IATC is a major subcontractor under the Denaqenage Career Ladder Program, a career ladder grant funded under the US Department of Education and coordinated through the Alaska Native Language Center. The Genaga grant focuses on personnel/faculty development within IATC by providing funding for the language coordinator position and mentors/fluent speakers for adult students studying Athabascan in the language apprenticeship program. IATC has recently been awarded a three-year Administration for Native Americans Language Implementation grant, that will focus on family language immersion workshops and development of language immersion cultural camps for families.

School District: Fairbanks North Star Borough School District
ANCSA: Doyon, Limited
Census Area: Fairbanks North Star Borough
Organization Name: Guidelines for Strengthening Indigenous Languages
Organization Type: University/College
Category: Language Immersion Schools/ Language Education
c/o ANKN, P.O. Box 756730
Fairbanks, AK 99775

Assembly of Alaska Native Educators and the Alaska Native Knowledge Network. Guidelines for Strengthening Indigenous Languages. Anchorage, AK: Alaska Native Knowledge Network, 2001.

School District:
Census Area:
Organization Name: Harborview Elementary School
Organization Type: School
Category: Language Immersion Schools/ Language Education

Nancy Douglas
Cultural Specialist
10014 Crazy Horse Drive
Juneau, AK 99801

Harborview Tlingit Culture and Language Primary Classroom: This year Harborview School in partnership with Sealaska Heritage Foundation has had the opportunity to offer an exciting program for Native students and families. The Primary Culture and Language classroom is partially funded through the United States Department of Education Demonstration Grants for Native children. The goal of the two year grant is to exceed academic standards, promote family involvement, and teach life long learning skills through the development, implementation, and evaluation of a high quality bilingual program. The classroom has had 17 students with one full time teacher, one full time Native studies instructor and a half time language instructor during its first year. (see also Sealaska Heritage Institute)

School District: Juneau School District
ANCSA: Sealaska Corporation
Census Area: Juneau Borough
Organization Name: Innoko River School (IASD)
Organization Type: School
Category: Language Immersion Schools/ Language Education

Jeanette Dementi
P.O. Box 53
Shageluk, AK 99665

Native language instruction.

School District: Iditarod Area School District
ANCSA: Doyon, Limited
Census Area: Yukon-Koyukuk

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