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Resource Directory

Here is the Resource List which was compiled for the First Alaskans Institute. If you wish to contribute to the Resource List, please email Sean Topkok.

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Organization Name: Top of the Kuskokwim School Language Instruction
Organization Type: School
Category: Language Immersion Schools/ Language Education

Sharon Strick
P.O. Box 9190
Nikolai, AK 99691

Upper Kuskokwim language instruction

School District: Iditarod Area School District
ANCSA: Doyon, Limited
Census Area: Yukon-Koyukuk
Organization Name: Unalaska City School District Aleut Language and Culture Program
Organization Type: School District
Category: Language Immersion Schools/ Language Education

Moses Dirks
P.O. Box 570
Unalaska, AK 99685

Aleut Language and Culture

School District: Unalaska City School District
ANCSA: Aleut Corporation
Census Area: Aleutians West Borough
Organization Name: Yup'ik as a Second Language (Lower Yukon School District)
Organization Type: School District
Category: Language Immersion Schools/ Language Education

Joanna Wassillie
Bilingual Coordinator
P.O. Box 32089
Mountain Village, AK 99632

Lower Yukon School District serves a predominately Yup'ik Eskimo student population in 11 village sites. The majority of the sites provide Yup'ik as a Second Language (YSL) classroom instruction, and one site that provides a newly installed Language Immersion for the kindergarten level. All K-8th grades are required to receive bilingual instruction for at least 25 minutes a day; some sites expand into high school grades as elective.

School District: Lower Yukon School District
ANCSA: Calista Corporation
Census Area: Wade-Hampton


Organization Name: Alaska Indigenous Peoples Academy
Organization Type:
Category: Leadership Development

Virginia Ned

c/o ANKN, P.O. Box 756730
Fairbanks, AK 99775

School District: Fairbanks North Star Borough School District
ANCSA: Doyon, Limited
Census Area: Fairbanks North Star Borough
Organization Name: Alaska Native Brotherhood
Organization Type: Regional Native Non-Profit
Category: Leadership Development

Richard Jackson
P.O. Box 32523
Juneau, AK 99802

School District: Juneau School District
ANCSA: Sealaska Corporation
Census Area: Juneau Borough
Organization Name: Alaska Native Student Wisdom Enrichment Retreat (A.N.S.W.E.R. Camp)
Organization Type:
Category: Leadership Development

Patrick Henry
Camp Coordinator
900 West 5th Avenue, Suite 101
Anchorage, AK 99501

Geared toward improving the math and science skills of 7th and 8th grade Alaska Natives, ANSWER Camp takes the learning process out of the classroom. By combining Alaska Native learning styles and traditional activities with middle school science and math applications in a camp setting, ANSWER Camp enables participants to build a bridge between learning in a formal setting and real life. To date, more than 950 students from 140 Alaskan communities have attended ANSWER Camp.

School District: Anchorage School District
ANCSA: Cook Inlet Region Incorporated
Census Area: Anchorage
Organization Name: Aleutian/Pribilof Islands Association Cultural Heritage Department
Organization Type: Regional Native Non-Profit
Category: Leadership Development

Dimitri Philemonof
201 East 3rd Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99501

A/PIA's Cultural Heritage Department has successfully held summer culture camps in 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 and is striving to make these an annual event. Activities include: fund-raising, planning, coordinating activities, teaching and purchasing supplies. Culture camps bring Aleut youth, mentors and elders together to learn traditional skills such as: language, dance, weaving, skin sewing, art, preparing traditional subsistence foods, regional ecology, and boat safety and other activities. Currently the department works with the community of Sand Point to host a week long camp every summer.

School District: Anchorage School District
ANCSA: Cook Inlet Region Incorporated
Census Area: Anchorage
Organization Name: APIA
Organization Type:
Category: Leadership Development

Allison Young

Aleutian/Pribilof Islands Association, Inc., 201 E. 3rd Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99501

School District: Anchorage School District
ANCSA: Cook Inlet Region Incorporated
Census Area: Anchorage
Organization Name: Calista Elder Culture Camp Pilot Station/ Marshall/Kwethluk/Umkomiut
Organization Type:
Category: Leadership Development

Mark John
Executive Director

Calista Elder Culture Camp, P.O. Box 2345
Bethel, AK 99559

no website available

School District: Lower Kuskokwim School District
ANCSA: Calista Corporation
Census Area: Bethel
Organization Name: Camp Qungaayux
Organization Type:
Category: Leadership Development

Moses Dirks

c/o Unalaska City School District, P.O. Box 570
Unalaska, AK 99685

School District: Unalaska City School District
ANCSA: Aleut Corporation
Census Area: Aleutians West Borough

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