Alaska Native Knowledge Network
Resources for compiling and exchanging information related to Alaska Native knowledge systems and ways of knowing.

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Resource Directory

Here is the Resource List which was compiled for the First Alaskans Institute. If you wish to contribute to the Resource List, please email Sean Topkok.

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Organization Name: Curyung Spirit Camp
Organization Type:
Category: Leadership Development

Frank Woods

P.O. Box 216
Dillingham, AK 99576

School District: Dillingham City School District
ANCSA: Bristol Bay Native Corporation
Census Area: Dillingham
Organization Name: Dig Afognak
Organization Type:
Category: Leadership Development

Alisha Drabek
Afognak Natives Association, 215 Mission Road, Suite 212
Kodiak, AK 99615

An Alaskan archaeological experience operated by the Native Village of Afognak.

School District: Kodiak Island Borough School District
ANCSA: Koniag, Incorporated
Census Area: Kodiak Island Borough
Organization Name: Dog Point Fish Camp
Organization Type:
Category: Leadership Development

Ruby Littlefield

c/o Sitka Tribe of Alaska, 456 Katlian
Sitka, AK 99835

School District: Sitka School District
ANCSA: Sealaska Corporation
Census Area: Sitka Borough
Organization Name: Dog Point Fish Camp (N.A.T.I.V.E. Inc.)
Organization Type: Non Profit
Category: Leadership Development

Roby Littlefield
P.O. Box 2212
Sitka, AK 99835

Dog Point Fish Camp Summer: Camping opportunities for children and adults focusing on gathering wild edibles, hunting, and fishing methods and preservation techniques. Located approximately 8 nautical miles northwest of Sitka, Alaska and is accessible only by boat or airplane. The use of the camp is made possible by the heirs of the Littlefield Native Allotment at Dog Point.

School District: Sitka School District
ANCSA: Sealaska Corporation
Census Area: Sitka Borough
Organization Name: Early Scholars Program
Organization Type: School District
Category: Leadership Development

Frank Coenraad
Program Coordinator

10014 Crazy Horse Drive
Juneau, AK 99801

The Early Scholars Program is committed to helping college bound Alaska Native/ Native American high school students broaden their scholastic goals by participating in activities that foster academic excellence and a positive cultural identity. Early Native Scholars develop a supportive community among themselves with the common goal of encouraging each other toward higher education.

School District: Juneau School District
ANCSA: Sealaska Corporation
Census Area: Juneau Borough
Organization Name: Gaalee'ya Spirit Camp
Organization Type:
Category: Leadership Development

Howard Luke
1211 Cushman Street, Suite 203
Fairbanks, AK 99707

Gaalee'ya Spirit Camp is a non-profit community based organization intended to rejuvenate, re-strengthen, and instill genuine respect, love, and attitudes that enable individuals to become willing and able to contribute to their communities. These opportunities are provided through the teachings of Native elders regarding traditional Native cultural values and activities in a camp setting. These settings include Spirit Camps, Youth Camps, Elder Camps, educational workshops, and language and cultural preservation tapes.

School District: Fairbanks North Star Borough School District
ANCSA: Doyon, Limited
Census Area: Fairbanks North Star Borough
Organization Name: Guidelines for Nurturing Culturally Healthy Youth
Organization Type: University/College
Category: Leadership Development
c/o ANKN, P.O. Box 756730
Fairbanks, AK 99775

Assembly of Alaska Native Educators and the Alaska Native Knowledge Network. Guidelines for Nurturing Culturally Healthy Youth. Anchorage, AK: Alaska Native Knowledge Network, 2001.

School District:
Census Area:
Organization Name: Hydaburg Cooperative Association
Organization Type:
Category: Leadership Development

Cherilyn Holter

P.O Box 81
Hydaburg, AK 99922

School District: Hydaburg City School District
ANCSA: Sealaska Corporation
Census Area: Prince of Wales
Organization Name: Ilisagvik Camp
Organization Type:
Category: Leadership Development

Virginia Commack
General Manager

P.O. Box 47
Ambler, AK 99786

Spirit Camp: Ilisagvik Camp teaches students about the subsistence lifestyle and hunting and fishing techniques as well as other aspects of the Inupiat culture including law, medicine and language. A complete camp experience for the Inupiat Culture.

School District: North Slope Borough School District
ANCSA: Arctic Slope Regional Corporation
Census Area: North Slope Borough
Organization Name: Junior Achievement (Coastal Villages Region Fund)
Organization Type: CDQ
Category: Leadership Development

Byron Ulak
Community Program Manager
P.O. Box 101
Scammon Bay, AK 99662

The purpose of Junior Achievement is to educate and inspire young people to value self-sufficiency, by using business and economics to improve the quality of their lives.

School District: Lower Yukon School District
ANCSA: Calista Corporation
Census Area: Wade-Hampton

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