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Resource Directory

Here is the Resource List which was compiled for the First Alaskans Institute. If you wish to contribute to the Resource List, please email Sean Topkok.

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Organization Name: Kushman, J. Klawock City Schools. Case Study
Organization Type:
Category: Research

Klawock, AK 99925

Kushman, James. It Takes More Than Good Intentions To Build a Partnership: Klawock City Schools. Case Study. Available from ERIC Clearinghouse, ED437258, 1999.

School District: Klawock City School District
ANCSA: Sealaska Corporation
Census Area: Prince of Wales
Organization Name: Lipka, J. Culturally Negotiated Schooling: Toward Yup'ik Mathematics
Organization Type:
Category: Research

Lipka, Jerry. ?Culturally Negotiated Schooling: Toward a Yup?ik Mathematics.? Journal of American Indian Education 33, no. 3 (1994): 14-30.

School District:
Census Area:
Organization Name: Lipka, J. Education and Change in New Stuyahok
Organization Type:
Category: Research

New Stuyahok, AK 99636

Lipka, Jerry. ?Closing the Gap: Education and Change in New Stuyahok.? Available from ERIC Clearinghouse, ED437253, 1999.

School District: Southwest Region School District
ANCSA: Bristol Bay Native Corporation
Census Area: Dillingham
Organization Name: Lipka, J. Schooling for Self-Determination
Organization Type:
Category: Research

Lipka, Jerry. Schooling for Self-Determination: Research on the Effects of Including Native Language and Culture in the Schools. Available from ERIC Clearinghouse, ED459989, 2002.

School District:
Census Area:
Organization Name: Lipka, J. Transforming the Culture of Schools
Organization Type:
Category: Research

Lipka, J. (1998). Transforming the Culture of Schools: Yup-ik Eskimo Examples. Hillsdale, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

School District:
Census Area:
Organization Name: Lisa Mitten Includer
Organization Type:
Category: Research

Links for all sorts of Native American Web sites.

School District:
Census Area:
Organization Name: Maynard, S. Parent and Community Involvement in Rural Schools
Organization Type:
Category: Research

Maynard, Stan and Aimee Howley. Parent and Community Involvement in Rural Schools. Available from ERIC Clearinghouse, EDO-RC-97-3, 1997.

School District:
Census Area:
Organization Name: McDiarmid, G. Occupational Values of Rural Eskimos
Organization Type:
Category: Research

McDiarmid, G. Williamson and Judith S. Kleinfeld. ?Occupational Values of Rural Eskimos.? Journal of American Indian Education 25, no. 3 (1986): 22-29.

School District:
Census Area:
Organization Name: McDowell Group, Alaska Native Education Study
Organization Type:
Category: Research

Eric McDowell
P.O. Box 21009
Juneau, AK 99802

McDowell Group. Alaska Native Education Study. Available from First Alaskans Institute, 2001

School District:
Census Area:
Organization Name: McDowell Group, Needs Assessment for a Regional Tribal College
Organization Type:
Category: Research

Eric McDowell
P.O. Box 21009
Juneau, AK 99802

McDowell Group, Inc. Needs Assessment for a Regional Tribal College in Southeast Alaska. Prepared for Central Council Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska. Juneau, AK, September 1999.

School District:
Census Area:

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