Lessons Taught, Lessons Learned Vol. II
We-Search and Curriculum
Integration in the Community
by Sally Young
Alaska Gateway School District
This integrated curriculum unit was originally
planned to be part of either a social studies or language arts
program, but as it developed, it seemed also to be appropriate for
other elements of the curriculum. It is structured to develop and
expand skills in language arts such as business letter writing,
spoken communication (both interpersonal and with groups) and report
writing; computer skills in key boarding, word processing, and
database design; social studies skills such as graph, chart and map
making; math skills; and thinking skills such as analysis and
evaluation, among others.
The idea developed as a result of various
education courses including the Writing Consortium which I have
taken; a natural inclination on my part toward using experiential
learning to involve students because it works for me; Whole Language
courses and experiences I have had, and the possible social and
political consequences to our community as a result of an Air Force
station being developed there.
The We-Search design is a good idea because it
allows students to investigate a problem which affects them directly,
drawing their interest because of their personal involvement in the
situation. I had already planned a small unit of this type, but was
uncomfortable with the I-Search design because I have seen it produce
only very limited results. However, the We-Search as a structured yet
independent unit makes sense. It combines the best features of an
I-Search with experiential learning.
Developing a topic of interest to the students
actually is fairly uncomplicated. While I have chosen to develop this
unit around the Over-the-Horizon (OTH) Backscatter Radar
installation, there are a variety of topics which would be applicable
to my area, and others which would work in any area. Further topics
could be developed depending on the locality of the school. In my
area, other topics I have outlined for future years include an oral
history project; the advantages and disadvantages of forming or
joining a borough; obtaining a new school for the community;
developing a tourism drawing point for the community; or preparation
for opening a small business. This would be especially appropriate if
the second semester of the class was devoted to actual development of
the business to allow students to experience the entire process from
initial idea to profit (or loss) making.
The course will be primarily independent study,
but structured around a base of mini-lessons that will be presented
as the class enters various areas of work or as the need becomes
apparent. These mini-lessons may be presented to the entire class or
they may be individualized, depending on need. The instructor will
serve as a facilitator and overseer. This is due partly to personal
preference on my part and partly to the structure of the
As the year begins, students will be instructed
in the use of the writing process and response groups will be set up,
modeled and practiced with introductory writings. The response groups
will function throughout the class for sharing both ideas and
writing. Once each week students will share with the entire class the
progress they have made on their subjects. This will enable students
to keep up with what others are learning, spawn related ways that the
material intersects with their other subjects, and provoke them to
work on their own projects. It will also enable the instructor to
track student progress, although individual conferences will also do
this. This weekly sharing will give students the opportunity to speak
in front of the class, gather new ideas from their classmates, and
provide a vehicle for evaluation for the instructor.
At the beginning of the year, students will be
introduced to the way the class will function as a fact-finding
commission, discovering the effects on the community of the OTH
Backscatter construction and producing a report to be released to the
public and to the Air Force. They will enter the subject area by
reading core papers drawn from the Environmental Impact Statements
(EIS) prepared for the Air Force on the radar and its effect on the
area. These core papers will also include some history of why the
area was chosen as the site of the installation.
As we enter this project, we will have some
mini-lessons on propaganda, and students will be asked to look first
at government propaganda from other eras and then at the EIS
statements with a view to the desired result on the part of the body
issuing the documents. They will also be asked to look for examples
of propaganda occurring in the newspaper, on television, or in other
local events.
Once students have finished reading and
studying the core papers, they will participate in an audioconference
with officials in a town where an OTH Backscatter operation has
already been installed and interview either in person or by
audioconference one of our state or national
These exercises should enlarge the students'
horizons about the potential opportunities and problems our community
may encounter during and after construction. With the body of
information they have gained thus far as a base, each student will
write a position paper that details his/her response to the
situation. They will share these and also develop a group position
paper. Students will be aware that this is an initial paper and that
they may wish to change their stands on various subjects after more
in-depth study of the issues.
The class will then brainstorm possible topics
of importance to research over the course of the unit. It is expected
that these will include the impact of increased population on
essential services such as police, clinic and social services;
additional students at the school; housing, employment, etc. as well
as the environmental impact of the station itself. We will look at
how we would find information on the potential impacts for each. This
could include letters, interviews, surveys, reading and research on
each of the subjects as well as any other ideas from students.
Once subjects have been outlined and ways to
research them have been covered, each student will be asked to choose
one of the subjects as his/her particular area of coverage. Though we
will be sharing information throughout the
unit, each student will have an area of particular responsibility for
which s/he will write the final report. The class will involve a
great deal of writing in a number of modes in addition to the final
Mini-lessons will be presented on
letter-writing and interviewing techniques, and students will
practice both, developing questions, interviewing each other, and
writing initial contact letters to possible sources using the
computer. They will then develop interview questions for a group
audioconference with either the Air Force personnel in charge of the
installation, some of the General Electric developers, or someone
from SRI, the subcontractor who developed the EIS. This will allow
students to put the knowledge gained from the core papers and the
rest of their earlier work to use.
Additional mini-lessons will be provided on
audioconferencing and transcribing as well as watching for whether
questions have actually been answered or side-stepped. The
audioconference will be taped and students will share in transcribing
for practice. Students will be expected to use the computer for word
processing in order to speed transcribing. In the transcribing it is
expected that they will also discover how one hears what one expects
to hear rather than what is said, and how easy it is for a trained
public relations person to side-step a question, and how difficult it
is for the interviewer to realize it at the time.
Once students have seen how interviews proceed,
they will develop interview questions for the individuals they will
interview in their subject areas. These questions will be shared with
the class so that additional input is available to them. Throughout
the unit, the sharing will keep students up to speed on others' work
so in the event of someone leaving or falling ill, the subject can be
picked up and continued.
Students will also work jointly to develop
survey questions which can be presented to the community for
additional input on questions and concerns. I would like to have a
guest speaker who is skilled in survey question development speak to
the class and look at their initial efforts. Students will learn
about inherent bias and objectivity.
The survey will then be sent out to the
community, and students will tabulate results. At the same time some
students will be developing a database of services available in the
community. Depending on the number of students in the class, this
could be limited to businesses, or it could include a skills survey
for employment. Students will be required to develop at least one
chart, graph or map relating to the material they will be presenting.
Mini-lessons will be provided on these skills if necessary. Students
will be expected to complete the final copy on the computer.
As the final draft stage approaches, students
will be required to put their materials into a format which will be
consistent throughout the report. They will work in response groups
to develop both content in the subject area and to hone the writing
in the report.
Students will also call a public meeting at
which they will publicly make their reports and seek comment from
those attending. This will provide both public speaking experience,
and a different type of response group
which is less forgiving than classmates and teacher.
The balance of the written report will be
joined together with some students working on combining the parts
while others index, develop format, placement of charts and graphs,
etc. Once the report is finished, students will work together to copy
pages and bind them into a finished document.
Within this curriculum unit students will have
learned in a wide variety of areas. Their computer skills, writing
and comprehension skills, and interpersonal communication skills
should all be increased by the opportunity to make use of the
knowledge that they gained through lessons and experience. Students
should also leave the class with an increased maturity level
developed through their interaction with adults on an adult level and
the knowledge that their work is providing a valuable service to the
community. It may also be the first introduction some students have
had to the concept of volunteerism as a way to benefit the community
in which one lives, for this is, in the final analysis, a volunteer
effort for the good of the community.
The primary resources that students will need
for this unit are people. Much of the research will require
cooperation from the Air Force, General Electric, and our state and
federal representatives. They will also be working with government
agencies such as the Office of Economic Adjustment, and they will be
researching impacts of other major projects on other areas. Local
people will also provide important information in the form of
expertise and opinions.
Other resources that will be required are
copies of the EIS statements, books on community impacts such as the
pipeline impact on Fairbanks, audioconference equipment, transcribing
equipment, and computers on which to work. Beyond this, students will
be relying on themselves, the expertise of the teacher and various
The evaluation for this curriculum unit
measures the variety of skills outlined previously as well as
participation of students both as individuals and in their smaller
response groups. Due to the independent nature of the research,
individual requirements will vary. Some students may find their
subjects require more interviewing while others do more research of
written materials, although all students will be required to show
that they have tried or used each of the activities covered.
The weekly sharing and individual conferences
will generate a check or no-check grade, indicating that work is
proceeding. Students will maintain a log, outlining their activities
that will serve as another vehicle for this grade. It will also serve
as a long term record of the search and hold information which the
students will later bring together.
Each major section of work will encompass a
variety of grades. Points will be given for each area of activity
completed. A minimum of points will be given for completion with
additional points for quality. For example, when we are covering
interviewing, students will receive a grade for developing questions,
one for interviewing practice, and a final, major grade for
developing questions and using them in at least one interview with an
expert on their subject in the backscatter unit. The same will be
true in letter-writing where students will receive a grade for their
sample letters as we practice and for at least one letter that they
turn in before sending it to its destination.
The major objective of the course is to teach
the students research techniques and to have them become aware of how
social research is carried out. This is one of the hardest parts for
which to figure a grade. Much evaluative information will show up in
the final paper which the student submits. The continual monitoring
by the teacher and by the other members of the class should insure
that each student learns at least the rudiments of research. They
will also learn about the inherent limitations of research when it
involves working with people and necessitating a response that is not
always forthcoming. I feel that this course will give the students a
real world picture that will be valuable to them in the
Ray Barnhardt
Part I *
Rural School Ideals
Goodness, People Come and Go So Quickly Around
Lance C. Blackwood
Parental Involvement
in a Cross-Cultural Environment
Monte Boston
Teachers and
Administrators for Rural Alaska
Claudia Caffee
The Mentor Teacher
Judy Charles
Helen Eckelman
Ideal Curriculum and
Teaching Approaches for a School in Rural
Teresa McConnell
Some Observations
Concerning Excellent Rural Alaskan Schools
Bob Moore
The Ideal Rural
Alaska Village School
Samuel Moses
From Then To Now:
The Value of Experiential Learning
Clara Carol Potterville
The Ideal
Jane Seaton
Toward an Integrated,
Nonlinear, Community-Oriented Curriculum
Mary Short
A Letter from
Idealogak, Alaska
Timothy Stathis
Rural Students for the Future
Michael Stockburger
The Ideal
Rural School
Dawn Weyiouanna
Approaches to the High School Curriculum
Mark J. Zintek
Part II *
Rural Curriculum Ideas
"Masking" the
Irene Bowie
On Punks and
Louise J. Britton
Literature to Meet
the Needs of Rural Students
Debra Buchanan
Reaching the Gifted
Student Via the Regular Classroom
Patricia S. Caldwell
Early Childhood Special
Education in Rural Alaska
Colleen Chinn
Wayne Day
Process Learning
Through the School Newspaper
Marilyn Harmon
Glacier Bay
History: A Unit in Cultural Education
David Jaynes
Principals of
Brian Marsh
Here's Looking
at You and Whole Language
Susan Nugent
Inside, Outside and
all-Around: Learning to Read and Write
Mary L. Olsen
Science Across
the Curriculum
Alice Porter
Here's Looking at
You 2000 Workshop
Cheryl Severns
Gerald Sheehan
King Island
Christmas: A Language Arts Unit
Christine Pearsall Villano
Using Student-Produced
Michael A. Wilson
We-Search and
Curriculum Integration in the Community
Sally Young