Una qanemciuguq: Catangqerta Yaassiicuaraam Iluani?
This is a story about: What is in the Little Box?
Enem iluani tan’gaurlurtangqertuq.
Inside the house there is a boy.
Enem iluani yaassiicuartangqertuq-llu.
Inside the house there is a little box.
Tan’gaurluq paqnayugtuq yaassiicuaraam iluanek.
The boy is curious about what is inside the little box.
Tan’gaurluq uyangtuq yaassiicuarmi.
The boys peeks inside the little box.
Tan’gaurluum narqerraa yaassiicuar.
The boy sniffs the little box.
“Ik’atak!” tan’gaurluq qayagpagtuq miryalnguluni
caarrluvik ullagarrluku.
“Yuck!” the boy screams feeling nauseated running towards
the trash.
Tan’gaurluum yuugaak sap’akilleraak yaassiicuarmek!
The boy removes an old pair of shoes from the little box!