Thornton, Thomas Yaan Jiyeet Gaax (moderator)
Box House, Kaagwaantaan
Oxford University / Portland State University

Herring Synthesis: Linking Local and Traditional Knowledge, History, and Science to Understand Ecological Changes in the Fishery
With Jamie Hebert, Fritz Funk, Madonna Moss, Virginia Butler, T. Elder, Sitka Tribe of Alaska (Robi Craig, et al), Andy Rauwolf, Harold Martin, Shingo Hamada, Elders Panel
Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) is a foundation and bellwether species in the Southeast Alaska marine ecosystem. This session reports on the results of a North Pacific Research Board study to synthesize key sources of local and traditional knowledge of herring with historical, anthropological, and other scientific data to evaluate important changes in Southeast Alaska stocks over time. Presentations will include detailed information on historical fisheries, spawning areas, traditional ecological knowledge and subsistence practices associated with herring in Southeast Native communities, and factors associated with declines and recoveries of local spawning populations. The session also will feature a comparative perspective from Japan.

» 2009 Conference Abstracts