2009 DVD Information

Haa Shkalneekx’í Wooshteen Kanaxtulaneegí: Telling Our Stories

The organizers of the 2009 Sharing our Knowledge conference are pleased to announce the release of the DVD video set that documents the proceedings of the conference held March 25-28, 2009, in Juneau.

The index provides a content list of the 37 volume set. Here is the form with the information you'll need to order the DVDs.

This video project was made possible by grants received from the Alaska Humanities Forum ($5,000), Goldbelt Heritage Foundation ($3,000), Shee Atiká Inc. ($1,000), and from the entrance fees paid by those who attended

We would also like to thank President Bill Martin for lending the support of the staff of the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes during the event, and to the many volunteers who contributed so much of their time.

Gerry Hope Executive Director

Organizing committee:
Dionne Cadiente-Laiti, Richard & Nora Dauenhauer, Irene Dundas, Sara Dybdahl, Steve Henrikson, Ishmael Hope, Marsha Hotch,
Harold Jacobs, Sergei Kan, Peter Metcalfe, Walter Porter

Last modified: Thursday, February 9, 2012, 10:12 AM