Watanabe, Elizabeth “Libby” Seitaan Tlaa
Diginaa Hít, L’uknax.ádi, Yaakwdaat Kwaan

Traditional Foods of the Tlingít, Haida and Tsimpshian People
A PowerPoint slide show will be presented that reviews the traditional food and nutrition principles of the Tlingit, Haida and Tsimpsian people. The focus of the presentation will be on traditional food gathering, safe food preservation and the nutrients of Native foods of Southeast Alaska. The slide show will include colorphotos of traditional foods, food gathering and food preservation. Brochures will be provided to participants that reinforces these messages. The goal of this presentation is to increase the awareness of how healthy and nutritious our Native foods are while encouraging traditional food gathering, hunting and preservation as a healthy, traditional and rewarding way of life.

» 2009 Conference Abstracts