Williams, Lucy Fowler
University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

The Louis Shotridge Digital Archive
I propose to build on my 2007 presentation by sharing our progress on the creation of the Louis Shotridge Digital Archive at the Penn Museum. The purpose of the Archive is to make Louis Shotridge’s exceptionally well documented collections of Tlingit and Tsimshian objects, photographs, and research records available to Northwest Coast peoples and the general public over the internet. The website will be launched in the fall of 2009. I plan to introduce Louis Shotridge, the Tlingit historian who worked for the Penn Museum as Assistant Curator from 1915-1932, to provide an overview of the Shotridge Archive database, and to share preliminary drafts of the design of the Archive website, which is organized according to Shotridge’s categories. This project involves collaboration and support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, CCTHITA, Tlingit specialists, the Alaska State Library, the Penn Library’s Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image, and Penn’s Center for Native American Studies.

» 2009 Conference Abstracts