Edwards, Keri

Language Project Updates
Edwards will describe two recently completed Tlingit language documentation projects: a resource containing conjugations of 250 verbs and a dictionary available in print, CD-ROM, and online, with audio files for the latter two formats. Taff, Edwards, and N. Dauenhauer will report on projects transferring Nora Dauenhauer’s forty-year tape collection to CD, and adding meta-data. Taff will report on NSF grant activity for recording conversation, and using Elan software for transcription, translation, and documentation. R. and N. Dauenhauer will report on Intermediate Tlingit Grammar, glossary work in progress, TPRS (Teaching Proficiency Through Reading and Storytelling) experiments using a traditional Tlingit Raven story, and work in progress on Tlingit Raven Stories, volume 5 in the SHI/University of Washington Press series.

» 2009 Conference Abstracts