Aucoin, Duane Gastant’ Gastant' Kushnootl'
Gooch Hít, Yanyeidi, Deileseen Kwaan (T'aku Kwáan) Teslin Tlingit Council

Healing through Haa Koosteeyi

In this presentation I propose to show the link between healing and culture—whether it is culture in practical usage, as in applying Haa Koosteeyi to everyday living, or through traditional/contemporary applications such as storytelling, songs and dances. Culture is a living being that grows and changes to fit the situation and setting. While core teachings can never change, the way they are presented and brought to life can be adapted to better suit our modern age. Government and religious institutions sought to destroy our identity and heritage by attacking our cultural foundation, Haa Koosteeyi, and the negative effects of this practice can still be seen in our families and communities today. But, our culture is still alive and is in the process of being reborn. Haa Koosteeyi gave my family and myself the strength to be able to heal fromthe scourge of Residential Schools. We wanted to share our healing journey with Our People by documenting it in my film, My Own Private Lower Post. In this presentation I plan on using traditional Inland Tlingit songs and practices along with screening my video. The goal is to help the participants realize the healing power of Haa Koosteeyi and how it can help not only themselves but all those around them.

Indigenous Film: Embracing a Modern Form of Storytelling
(see Runningwater, Bird)

» 2009 Conference Abstracts