Jacobs, Harold Gooch shaayí (moderator)
Hít Tlein, Yanyeidí, T'aaku Kwáan

Clan Leaders--How One Becomes a Clan Leader With Herman Davis Sr., Ray Wilson, George Ramos, Andy Gamble Jr., Edwell John Jr. Raymond Dennis Jr.
To talk about how people are born into these positions and not elected as house- masters or clan leaders and that adopted people are not eligible for these positions. What is required of a house-master, clan leaders, spokesman, and how they are born or married affects their qualifications. Other matters regarding this issue, including opposite-side recognition and the “stamp of approval” by their opposites, will be discussed.

Name Giving and Adoptions
With Herman Davis, Vida Davis, et al
To non-Tlingits, clan members, clan leader names, house-master names, and “adoptions” and how nobody who is adopted can be a clan leader or inherit property, have no inheritance rights, do not become “chooshgadachxán” or inherit rights with a name.

Chilkat Weaving Appreciation
(see Hudson, Clarissa)

(moderator), Repatriation II
Repatriation and succession of caretakers, from clan hands, to museums and private collections, back to clan hands. An ongoing process, in an ongoing culture.

Using Historical Photographs in Historical Research and Repatriation
With Steve Henrikson
(see Henrikson, Steve)

» 2009 Conference Abstracts