Hollinger, R. Eric Dukwú
Kéet Hít, Dakl'aweidí
, Xutsnoowú Kwáan

Tlingit Scholars Research the Smithsonian Collections With George Bennett and James Bennett
The Smithsonian Institution has fellowships for Native American Community Scholars to visit the museums and conduct research using the collections, records and resources of the Smithsonian. In 2008, George Bennett and James Bennett participated in this program by visiting the National Museum of Natural History and the National Museum of the American Indian to work with the Tlingit objects in both museums and to assist the museums with understanding the cultural knowledge they are responsible for helping to preserve and protect. The Bennetts and the museums discuss their experiences working together on projects of mutual interest, exchanging information and educating the public about the Tlingit people and their culture.

» 2009 Conference Abstracts