Hudson, Clarissa DaaSaukOoTlaa
Snail House, T'akdeintaan
(Black Legged Kittiwake) Clan, Xunaa Kwáan

Chilkat Weaving Appreciation
With Harold Jacobs, et al
This presentation is designed to give participants a full appreciation of all aspects of Chilkat weaving. Harold Jacobs will present on the origins and migration of Chilkat weaving for the Tlingit people. Clarissa Hudson will give a powerpoint presentation on past and present weavings, and on Chilkat design. Following these presentations, weavers will demonstrate the weaving process, including cedar bark preparation;wool preparation (mountain goat vs. Merino wool); techniques of spinning/preparing the warp and weft; dyeing with commercial and natural dyes; weaving Chilkat (including measuring and warping the loom, and weaving the design field and side braids). Weavers will present information on how and where to obtain materials, and apprenticeship opportunities. Weavers participating include Ann Smith, Chloe French, Clarissa Hudson, Della Cheney, Evelyn Vanderhoop, George Carteeti, JoAnn Price, Lorene Boxley, Lorraine DeAsis, Marsha Hotch, Patrice DeAsis, Percy Martin- Kunz, Bev Morris, and Shgen George.

» 2009 Conference Abstracts