2007 Gunalchéesh

A Note of Thanks……

In late March, over 400 participants gathered in Sitka for “Sharing Our Knowledge: A Conference of Tsimshian, Haida and Tlingit Tribes and Clans.” Bringing together elders, students, artists, anthropologists, historians, and cultural experts from three countries, the conference would not have been successful without the help of many individuals and organizations. On behalf of the conference participants, I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to the following:

Anna M. Kerttula and the National Science Foundation
Southeast Alaska Native Educators Association
Steve Henrikson (University of Alaska/Alaska State Museum)
Sergei Kan (Dartmouth College)
Harold Jacobs (CCTHITA)
Gerry Hope (Alaska Native Brotherhood)
Madonna Moss (University of Oregon)
Ishmael Hope (Perseverance Theater)
Jan Steinbright (Sheldon Jackson College)
Peter Metcalfe (Metcalfe Communications)
George Bennett
Helen Dangel, Cheryl Chandler, Roby Littlefield, Sandie Johnson, Dori Biggs and Pete DeRensis (Sitka Tribe of Alaska)
Sean Topkok (Alaska Native Knowledge Network)
Rachel Roy and Jeremy DeTemple (Sitka Tribal Enterprises)
Tonia Rioux (Sitka Tribal Tours)
Robert Jones, Leota Bagby and staff (Litehouse Catering / SEARHC)
Philip Rupell (Sitka Visitors and Convention Bureau)
Staff of Centennial Hall

Volunteers deserve special commendation for their hard work during the conference: Rosemary Carlton, Cheryle Enloe, Laura Galliher, Jim Heaton, Eunice James-Lee, Kathy Kyle, Roby Littlefield, Kassy Eubank-Littlefield, Mariann and Volker Mell, Kim Metcalfe, Kai Monture, Anne and Maka Pullnow, and Kathy Ruddy. Thanks too to the over 90 volunteer presenters, representing the leading contributors in several fields, who collectively gave four days of concurrent sessions, and to the talented pool of artists and performers who entranced us with their fine work.

KATH television preserved a complete digital record of the conference, funded by the National Science Foundation, University of Alaska Southeast (PITAAS), Anchorage School District (/Title VII/Indian Education), Juneau School District (Transitions/Camp Water), Shee Atiká Inc., and the National Park Service/Sitka National Historical Park.

We are grateful for the many donations of cash and services and discounts received from many generous donors, including: Jeremy Karchut (US Forest Service, Sitka), Seamart, National Park Service (Sitka National Historical Park), Southeast Alaska Indian Cultural Center, Alaska Native Brotherhood and Sisterhood, Valerie Hillman and Grace Hill (Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska), Friends of the Sheldon Jackson Museum and museum staff, Don Bremner, Totem Square Inn, Sitka Hotel, Westmark Sitka, and Sharon Romine (Welcome Home Vacations).

Andrew Hope III
Executive Director, Sharing Our Knowledge Conference

Funded in part by the National Science Foundation
Sponsors include the Southeast Alaska Native Educators Association and the Sitka Tribe of Alaska

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0636203. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Last modified: Wednesday, February 8, 2012, 12:20 PM