Cultural Atlas
This collection of student work is from
Frank Keim's classes. He has wanted to share these works for others
to use as an example of Culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These
documents have been OCR-scanned. These are available
for educational use only.
Once a long time ago there was a big bear that destroyed villages
up and down the Yukon. The bear was so smart that it knew when there
was trouble. Whenever people went after it they would come back
wounded or dead. When the wounded ones would come back they would
tell the others that the bear stood 15 feet tall. The bear was so
fearsome that there was a $1 ,000 dollar reward on its head.
One day a guy named David decided to go after the bear. So he went
up the river. During the journey he joined up with his friend Larry
whose nickname was One Eye because he lost an eye in a fight. Another
day he and Larry helped an Indian who was in a fight. They let the
Indian stay in their camp for the night. His name was Standing Bull.
He was after the bear too because it had killed one of his kids.
Early the next day Standing Bull left. When David and One Eye got up
Standing Bull was already gone and they saw only his tracks.
So they set off again, and after traveling all day they found a
good place to camp for the night and they stopped. When they were
just about ready to go to sleep they heard something. David went to
check and it was a bear trying to sneak up on them. David and One Eye
shot him but he got away. That's when Standing Bull showed up. And he
helped them trail the bear to a cave. The cave was on a tall narrow
hill. The cave led to the other side of the hill which was covered
with rocks.
They camped there behind a wall of rocks but while they were
getting ready to sleep they had another close encounter with the
bear. It broke the rock wall then ran away. They trailed it for two
days after it broke the wall. The third day they tracked it to a
valley where the bear attacked them. David shot it with a pistol
because his rifle jammed. The bear fell but got back up and escaped
into the trees. Then it charged out of the trees and knocked David on
his side. Standing Bull then shot it with a bow and arrow and jumped
on it and stabbed and killed it. As he did this, One Eye laughed.
Then they skinned the bear and Standing Bull took the fur and David
and One Eye took the head.
By: Garrett Evan

In 1902. the 26th President of the United States refused to shoot
a black bear while out hunting. So popular was Theodore Roosevelt
that toy bears were created to cele-brate the event. And so was born
the Teddy (Roosevelt) Bear. Strange to say, almost all teddy bears
are brown Instead of black.
Creative Stories
from the
Bear Fire
Stories and Poems
about Bears
by Marshall High School
Language Arts Classes
Spring, 1992
about Bears
Stories from the Imagination
Stories from Experience
Christmastime Tales
Stories real and imaginary about Christmas, Slavik, and the New Year
Winter, 1996 |
Christmastime Tales II
Stories about Christmas, Slavik, and the New Year
Winter, 1998 |
Christmastime Tales III
Stories about Christmas, Slavik, and the New Year
Winter, 2000 |
Summer Time Tails 1992 |
Summertime Tails II 1993 |
Summertime Tails III |
Summertime Tails IV Fall, 1995 |
Summertime Tails V Fall, 1996 |
Summertime Tails VI Fall, 1997 |
Summertime Tails VII Fall, 1999 |
Signs of the Times November 1996 |
Creative Stories From Creative Imaginations |
Mustang Mind Manglers - Stories of the Far Out,
the Frightening and the Fantastic 1993 |
Yupik Gourmet - A Book of
Recipes |
M&M Monthly |
Happy Moose Hunting! September Edition 1997 |
Happy Easter! March/April 1998 |
Merry Christmas December Edition 1997 |
Happy Valentine’s
Day! February Edition
1998 |
Happy Easter! March/April Edition 2000 |
Happy Thanksgiving Nov. Edition, 1997 |
Happy Halloween October 1997 Edition |
Edible and Useful Plants of Scammon
Bay |
Edible Plants of Hooper Bay 1981 |
The Flowers of Scammon Bay Alaska |
Poems of Hooper Bay |
Scammon Bay (Upward Bound Students) |
Family Trees and the Buzzy Lord |
It takes a Village - A guide for parents May 1997 |
People in Our Community |
Buildings and Personalities of
Marshall |
Marshall Village PROFILE |
Qigeckalleq Pellullermeng ‘A
Glimpse of the Past’ |
Stories Spring 1995 |
Bird Stories from Scammon Bay |
The Sea Around Us |
Ellamyua - The Great Weather - Stories about the
Weather Spring 1996 |
Moose Fire - Stories and Poems about Moose November,
1998 |
Bears Bees and Bald Eagles Winter 1992-1993 |
Fish Fire and Water - Stories about fish, global warming
and the future November, 1997 |
Wolf Fire - Stories and Poems about Wolves |
Bear Fire - Stories and Poems about Bears Spring,
1992 |