First Annual Summer Institutes in Place-Based
Education Planned
SEATTLE, WA – A series of ground breaking
education professional development opportunities was announced today by the
Consortium at Antioch University Seattle.
Ted Wright, the Consortium's
director, noted, "The Summer Institutes
in Place-Based Education are the only forum I know of that focuses
on real-world tools for teachers as well as the range of possibilities
for place-based
school reform."
The three-day Institutes will be June 26-28
in Sitka, Alaska, July 19-21 in Juneau, Alaska, and August 9-11
in Seattle, Washington (CANCELED).
“The first half of our time will focus on
the evolution of place-based education from its roots in environmental education
to its ongoing development as
a comprehensive reform movement that connects student learning
to local community and culture,” Wright said. “The second half
will cover ways educators can use state-of-the-art tools such as community/cultural
resource mapping and digital storytelling to make learning local.”
University Seattle, the Alaska Native Educators Association and
the Southeast Alaska Native Educators Association will sponsor
the Summer
Institutes. Facilitators include: Wright, Consortium director
and coordinator of the Summer Institutes; Ray Barnhardt, director
Studies at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and co-director
of the Consortium;
Rob Wang, core faculty in Environmental Education at Antioch
and Consortium co-director, and Gregory Smith, keynote presenter
the Seattle session,
professor of Teacher Education at Lewis & Clark College and
co-editor of the forthcoming “Place-Based Education in
the Global Age: Local Diversity."
Registration for the three-day
Institutes is ongoing. More information, including registration
forms, agenda, travel arrangements and
presenters can be found at the Institute website: http://ankn.uaf.edu/NPE/Southeast/Summer2007.html
website also provides detailed information about how to register
for college credit, if desired.
Antioch Seattle is one of six
campuses of Antioch University, founded in 1852 in Yellow Springs, Ohio.
At Antioch, adult
learners find
innovative, individualized programs with a commitment to
academic excellence, community
service and social justice.
Contact: Ted A Wright
Phone: 206-501-0637
E-mail: twright@antiochsea.edu
For more information, contact Ted Wright <twright@antiochsea.edu> or
Rob Wang <rwang@antiochsea.edu>.