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Native Pathways to Education
Alaska Native Cultural Resources
Indigenous Knowledge Systems
Indigenous Education Worldwide

Iņupiaq RavenIņupiat Ilitqusiat

A Special Publication of Alaska Newspapers Inc.

"Those things that make us who we are"

Portrait of a People - By the People
Originally a supplement to The Arctic Sounder

Hard Work

Hard Work
Photo by Crystal Tickett, Ambler

Hard Work
Raelene Black
Noorvik 8th grade

Hard work is risking your life for someone, having a job, watching kids, making new friends, earning new things, waiting for the right person, cooking, cleaning, scaling fish, fixing a vehicle or finding a new home. Hard work is teaching babies to walk, talk and write. Hard work takes time!

Grandparents, Parents, Aunties and Uncles do hard work.
Kids sometimes do hard work, too.
Hard work is a gift to yourself and the people you love.
Hard work is a gift.

Hard work helps people. Sometimes it makes you sore,
gives you cuts, makes you tired and sleepy.
But hard work teaches you what love means.
Hard work teaches love.

We would use hard work when someone is in trouble.
Hard work is also part of every day life.
Hard work makes you grow.

Hard work relates to Iņupiaq people because Iņupiaq people
do a lot of hard work for their kids, their grandkids
and great grandkids.
It is the way we show we care.
Helpful, caring.

Hard work needs people, time and commitment.

Hard Work
Photo courtesy Kiana High School


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Alaska Native Knowledge Network
University of Alaska Fairbanks
PO Box 756730
Fairbanks  AK 99775-6730
Phone (907) 474.1902
Fax (907) 474.1957
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Last modified October 19, 2006