A Special Publication of Alaska Newspapers Inc.
... What is Iñupiat Ilitqusiat?
An interview with
Reggie Joule
Kiana High School
The Inupiat Ilitqusiat program got started in
the early 80s because there was a lot of concern that our young people were
being exposed to unhealthy lifestyles as a result of poor rolemodeling.
A lot of our young people were
turning to alcohol, drugs and suicide as a way out.
At that point our
region’s leaders, working with, and for, the Elders,
began the process of traveling to the villages to hold town meetings
so each community could discuss their problems and try to figure out
a way to solve them.
There was a historical perspective given, to remind
people of the transition that took place over the last 100 years. This
brought things to the
present and got people at those meetings to start looking at how
we could do
things differently to address these issues.
Iñupiat means “the
Real People,” and Ilitqusiat means, “Those
things that make us who we are.” So, when we look at the
Iñupiat Values and begin to understand what they mean, we see that
they reflect
culture because that is what defines us as a people. These values
have helped our people survive the test of time.
Sometimes we have
trouble understanding what things mean. Sometimes traditional
values and Western values conflict and we feel we have
to choose one over the other, rather than utilizing both at the
appropriate time and place.
Most definitely the Iñupiat Ilitqusiat
movement has benefited society. In some ways, the Spirit Program which
got started here
is what
prompted the
sobriety movement. A lot of Spirit Camps got started around
the state as a result of what was started here.
Our society has gotten greedy
to the point of where the focus is on “me” instead
of “we.” We hurt each other through various abuses,
but mostly I think the system is not ready to acknowledge
us for who we are and it spends
a lot of energy trying to Americanize anyone different. For
instance, a person who can speak three languages is called
tri-lingual. A person
who speaks two languages is bi-lingual. A person who speaks
one language is called an American.
I think the young people
of today are doing what we teach them. If we have taken the
time to teach them and live the
ourselves, then
so will
the young people. But, if we haven’t, then they probably
will not unless they have learned them somewhere else. It
has to start in
the home.
Advice for the young people: You don’t always
have to be the best. However, you should always do your best.
Think long and hard about what you
want out of this life and are you willing to face the consequences
of that decision.
Young people don’t know the language,
but then we are not teaching them the language so how can
they learn it? To keep the language and
culture alive, you must insist that your parents make it
happen. You must be willing to take the time to learn, live
and teach what you have learned.
The Iñupiat Values are very
important to me and my family. Mostly the values were taught by our parents
and we didn’t even know we were learning
values. We are probably mirror images of what our parents
modeled for us. In our home, as a child, I knew I was loved; I felt loved.
I was told I was
loved, even when I was disciplined.
Unfortunately, today
many children are not being taught through example, the values which
they will need to be
We have become
dependent on others too much. TV is teaching a lot of
values these days.
Iñupiat Ilitqusiat is not a program. It is a way
of life which we have defined as ours. What has been defined
as “Iñupiaq Values,” upon closer
inspection, are really basic human values. It is what
makes us different from other people; not more than someone
else and not less than someone else,
just different. It is up to us to learn and understand
what those differences are and carry them forward.