Fifty Patterns for Making Sense


26.  Privatize


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Use private means of communication whenever possible.  Avoid broadcasting.





If you say something to a whole group of people, you can't be sure everyone is listening.  It is preferable to personalize and individualize your messages by saying things as a volume and distance that can be comfortably heard by one or two people and then repeating where it is necessary.  People will take you more seriously if they feel that they are being given individual attention.

Personal notes are more effective than impersonal memos.  Your own handwriting personalizes more than a typewritten or dot-matrix memo.

In situations where many people occupy a single room, such as in seminars, board meetings, and classes, it is even more important to privatize communication.



Use chain and network (9) and move around (10) as ways of introducing information at as many separate points as possible.  Respect other's autonomy (24) and personal space (25) by tailoring your messages to each person separately to the greatest extent possible.  This level of personal interaction will also help you to cultivate your own humanity (49) and to enjoy the humanity of others (50).



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50 patterns for making sense

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