Fifty Patterns for Making Sense


10. Move around


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Wander around your organization.  Change your job every so often.





There are two ways of moving around an organization.  One is to move around physically.  Don't stick to your office.  Get out of it and see what's going on in other places.

The other way is to take up different places in the organizational chart.  Learn different functions o the organization by holding different jobs.

You and your organization shouldpractice both kinds of moving around.  When John F. Kennedy was President he used to wander around all over Washington.  Whenever a phone rang close to him, he would pick it up and say, 'Hello, this is the President.'  At first everyone thought it was a joker on the other end.  But when they realized that any call they made around offices in the government might be answered by the President, it cut way down on the nonsense phone calls.  It also had the effect of 'humanizing' the Presidency since so many people who would never have had contact with the President himself had actually talked briefly with him on the phone.



Moving around your organization will give you a better perspective on any particular situational ecology (1).  In each case, though always start locally (2) and use chain and network, not hub and wheel (9) to communicate.  Be vulnerable (43) to others when you move and even within your new situation continue to practice creative wandering (44).  To phrase your developing knowledge, tell stories (45) and enjoy the humanity of others (50) by listening to their stories.



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learn responsive communication

50 patterns for making sense

using the patterns

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