Bright and lovely, the
It's bright light shining,
Shining unceasing to the end of the day
It reveals its light. Gold. Bright.
Until it falls, and the dark comes.
Then the sun in the morning,
Giving light and warmth.
It is thankful we have a
Because if we did not
We would be as stone statues
In the snow.
Qitngirnaqluni tangniqluni-llu,
akertem kitellra.
Qitngirnaq tanqillra kenurraq cuuqeggluni,
Cuuqellra taq'qaiyunani erenrem nangellranun.
Mania kenurrani. Eyirlikcak. Qitnirnaq.
Kitellranun, tan'geq-ll taillranun.
Taua-ll akerta unuakumi,
Tunuluni cuuqeggmeng puqlamem-llu.
Assirtuq akertengqertukut.
Piitellrukemta tegalqutun yuguatun
Ayuqsartukut qanikcam qaingani.