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Native Pathways to Education
Alaska Native Cultural Resources
Indigenous Knowledge Systems
Indigenous Education Worldwide

Yup'ik RavenMarshall Cultural Atlas

This collection of student work is from Frank Keim's classes. He has wanted to share these works for others to use as an example of Culturally-based curriculum and documentation. These documents have been OCR-scanned. These are available for educational use only.






The Man and The Monster


A long time ago this man was getting crazy in the head because he ate something bad. He never listened to his parents. So one day his father made his son go into the sea. And the crazy man did as his father wished. As he was pad-dling he saw a big monster far ahead. The crazy man was getting scared and he tried to hurry and paddle as fast as he could to the land. When the big monster saw the man he started traveling faster toward the man. The man was getting so scared he quit paddling and his eyes became really big. His heart sometimes couldn't even beat because he was so scared. When the monster caught up with the man he said, "Your dad told me that you got crazy" But the man didn't want to answer the monster so the monster yelled again, "Why have you gotten crazy?"

The man said scaredly, "I, I ate something and I don't kno, know what i, i it wa, was but 1,1 thought it was good foo,food to,to eat." The monster said, "Let's see, open your mouth." The man opened his mouth and then the monster examined his teeth.The monster said, "I'm going to get something that will cure your craziness, so stay right there." The monster went to get the curing thing and let the man drink from it and cured him. The man then went home and told the story about the monster to his father and mother. He was very thankful for the monster indeed.


By: Stella Walker

 The Man and The Monster



Angun Cissirrpak-llu


Aka tamaani una angun ussvirr-yualerruliiniuq. Nasskuani tuaigg cameng assilngumeng nerelrullii- nuiq. Niitevvkenak angaiyukai. Akwauwaggpak aatii kenerrtengiinalruuk tuaigg imarpigmun aiyavv-karluku. Usviqerluq ayaliniiluni imarpigmun. Cissirrpaggmeng tang-ertuq yaqvvani ayalimiluni. IJsviq-luq alingluni pataggangnaqluni anguamiggneng nunamun. Cissirr-paglu tangerrluku anguteq cukaang-inarrlunillu angun paaggun. Angun alingssiarluni taqluni anguamerrmeng irrpaurlunillu. Irrcakuallu ayarpiarcirrakunani alingssiyami. Cissirrpam tekitaa angun watenllu kanerlunillu, "Aatan qanrutel-ruanga qissartellruten!" Angun Tuqlurumiinaku. Cissirrpak ar- perraluni qanertuk, "Ciin kiarr-tellrusit?" Angun alingkapirluni qanertuk, "Cameng nerellruunga, nalluaqa cameng nerelka, assilra-meng neqkameng piuakelkaka." Cissiirpak qanertuq, "Kiitak kan- ranikirrteqrru." Angun ikirrtaa kanrii tua-llu cissirrpam urr- viggiluki tua-llu cariluku ilak- uaneng neqkameng keggutini. Cissirrpak kanertuq, "Aqvvakatar- tua imkuciimeng issirinara us- virtelneng, wiitaa wani." Ciss-irrpak akvvarrtuq asirrkirkemeng ellinun angun mevvkarrlukilu tua- llu assirrivvkarluku.

Angun utertuk qanemciluni aatiinun, ananillu quyakapigg- lunillu cissirrpagmun.


Stella Walker

 The Man and The Monster

The Bearded Seal and the Otter
Maqllaq-llu Cenkaq-llu

Naughty Norma

The Sad Adventure

Stella Walker

Long Ears


"How the Ptarmigan Got Her Red Eyebrows"

Mictee Prince

"How The Fox Got His Fluffy Tail"

Matilda Kasayuli

the Rabbit's ears

Arlo Tunutmoak

The Seal Hunter

Louisa Aguchak
(Lazy Lou Ann)

One summer season

Mike Ottereyuk

The Man and The Monster
Angun Cissirrpak-llu

Stella Walker

The Seal Hunt

Robert Sundown

Student Stories of the Bering


Student Stories of the Bering


Stories by Elders and Others


Poems of The Sea


Christmastime Tales
Stories real and imaginary about Christmas, Slavik, and the New Year
Winter, 1996
Christmastime Tales II
Stories about Christmas, Slavik, and the New Year
Winter, 1998
Christmastime Tales III
Stories about Christmas, Slavik, and the New Year
Winter, 2000
Summer Time Tails 1992 Summertime Tails II 1993 Summertime Tails III
Summertime Tails IV Fall, 1995 Summertime Tails V Fall, 1996 Summertime Tails VI Fall, 1997
Summertime Tails VII Fall, 1999 Signs of the Times November 1996 Creative Stories From Creative Imaginations
Mustang Mind Manglers - Stories of the Far Out, the Frightening and the Fantastic 1993 Yupik Gourmet - A Book of Recipes  
M&M Monthly    
Happy Moose Hunting! September Edition 1997 Happy Easter! March/April 1998 Merry Christmas December Edition 1997
Happy Valentine’s Day! February Edition 1998 Happy Easter! March/April Edition 2000 Happy Thanksgiving Nov. Edition, 1997
Happy Halloween October 1997 Edition Edible and Useful Plants of Scammon Bay Edible Plants of Hooper Bay 1981
The Flowers of Scammon Bay Alaska Poems of Hooper Bay Scammon Bay (Upward Bound Students)
Family Trees and the Buzzy Lord It takes a Village - A guide for parents May 1997 People in Our Community
Buildings and Personalities of Marshall Marshall Village PROFILE Qigeckalleq Pellullermeng ‘A Glimpse of the Past’
Raven’s Stories Spring 1995 Bird Stories from Scammon Bay The Sea Around Us
Ellamyua - The Great Weather - Stories about the Weather Spring 1996 Moose Fire - Stories and Poems about Moose November, 1998 Bears Bees and Bald Eagles Winter 1992-1993
Fish Fire and Water - Stories about fish, global warming and the future November, 1997 Wolf Fire - Stories and Poems about Wolves Bear Fire - Stories and Poems about Bears Spring, 1992



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Alaska Native Knowledge Network
University of Alaska Fairbanks
PO Box 756730
Fairbanks  AK 99775-6730
Phone (907) 474.1902
Fax (907) 474.1957
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Last modified August 23, 2006