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Native Pathways to Education
Alaska Native Cultural Resources
Indigenous Knowledge Systems
Indigenous Education Worldwide

Yup'ik RavenStorytelling in the Yup’ik Immersion Classroom

Sample Mini-Stories

8. Neryugtuten-qaa? Do You Want to Eat?

This story went well when teaching about family and food. I used plastic props (dishes and food) that were available even if it meant borrowing them from another classroom. This would apply for dolls too. This is a variation of one of Anderson and Marsh’s (1998) eating stories.

Una qanemciuguq: Neryugtuten-qaa?

This is a story: Do You Want to Eat?

Enem iluani ilakellriartangqertuq.

Inside the house there is a family.

Nayagaam aptaa aataq neqerrlugyullranek.

Little sister asked dad if he wanted dried fish.

Aataq quyauq neqerrlugmek!

Dad is grateful for the dried fish!

Nayagaam aptaa aanaq akutaryullranek.

Little sister asked mom if she wanted akutaq – Eskimo ice cream.

Aanaq quyauq akutamek!

Mom is grateful for the akutaq – Eskimo ice cream!

Nayagaam aptaa anngaq pizza-aryullranek.

Little sister asked big brother if he wanted pizza.

Anngaq quyauq pizza-amek!

Big brother is grateful for the pizza!

Nayagaam aptaa piipiq chips-aryullranek.

Little sister asked baby if she wanted chips.

Qang’a! Piipiq keggutaituq!

No! The baby does not have any teeth!

Do you want akutaq?
Piipiq keggutaituq!
Piipiq keggutaituq!
Baby does not have any teeth! (Shaking head no.)
Enem iluani...

Enem iluani...

Inside the house...



Asking if he wanted dried fish.

Using your arms make a roof shape over your head. Show a brown construction paper crumpled and shaped like a dried fish.
Nasaurluum aptaa...

Nasaurluum aptaa...

The girl asks...

...aanaq aptaa akutaryullranek.

...aanaq aptaa akutaryullranek.

... asks mom if she wants akutaq.

Show girl’s height and make an outward motion from chin. Hand out, offer mom a bowl or plate of akutaq.
Quyauq neqerrlug-mek

Quyauq neqerrlug-mek

He is grateful for the dried fish

Nayagam aptaa anngaq pizza-aryullranek. Nayagam aptaa anngaq pizza-aryullranek.
Little sister asks big brother if he would like pizza.
Nod head with approval of the dried fish. Using plastic pizza or construction paper triangle, sister offers big brother pizza.
Aanaq quyauq aku-tamek!

Aanaq quyauq aku-tamek!

Mom is grateful for the akutaq!

Nayagam aptaa piipiq chips-aryullranek.

Nayagam aptaa piipiq chips-aryullranek.

Little sister asks baby if she would like chips.

Nod your head while holding the bowl while touching your chest being grateful. Offer baby a bag of chips to baby.


1. Tuntuvak Taqukaq-llu The Moose and the Bear
2. Piipiq ‘The Baby’
3. Kuskaq Avelngaq-llu Cat and Mouse
4. Kegluneq Maqaruaq-llu Wolf and Rabbit
5. Muluk’uuryulriik The Two That Wanted Milk
6. Piipiq Ellamun Anvailegmi Before Baby Goes Outside
7. Nacarraam Aciani Under the Hat
8. Neryugtuten-qaa? Do You Want to Eat?
9. Aataq Qenertuq Dad is Angry
10. Catangqerta Yaassiicuaraam Iluani? What is Inside the Little Box?




Table of Contents

Acknowledgements Introduction What is TPR Storytelling?
Total Physical Response The Natural Approach General Steps of TPR Storytelling
My Classroom: First and Second Grade Sample Mini-Stories References
Additional Resources Project (pdf)  



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Alaska Native Knowledge Network
University of Alaska Fairbanks
PO Box 756730
Fairbanks  AK 99775-6730
Phone (907) 474.1902
Fax (907) 474.1957
Questions or comments?
Last modified April 7, 2011