Una qanemciuguq: Nacarraam Aciani
This is a story: Under the Hat.
Enem iluani nasaurlurtangqertuq.
Inside the house there is a girl.
Enem iluani tan’gaurlurtangqertuq-llu.
Inside the house there is also a boy.
Nasaurluum aptaa tan’gaurluq,
The girl asks the boy,
Nacarraam-qaa aciani igarcuuteka uitauq?
Is my pencil under the hat?
Qang’a, igarcuuten nacarraam aciantenrituq.
No, your pencil is not under the hat.
Aliimategka-qaa nacarraam aciantuk?
Are my mittens under the hat?
Qang’a, aliimategken nacarraam aciantenrituk.
No, your mittens are not under the hat.
Nacarraam-qaa aciani yaquleyagartangqertuq?
Is there a little bird under the hat?
Qang’a, nacarraam aciani yaquleyagartaituq.
No, there is no little bird under the hat.
Catangqerta nacarraam aciani?
What is under the hat?
Tang! Ciissirtangqertuq!
Look! There’s a bug!
So scary!