Una qanemciuguq: Piipiq Ellamun Anvailegmi
This is a story: Before Baby Goes Outside.
Enem iluani aanartangqertuq.
Inside the house there is mom.
Enem iluani piipirtangqertuq-llu.
Inside the house there is also a baby.
Piipiq-qaa nacaryugtuq ellamun anvailegmi?
Does the baby want to wear a hat before going outside?
Qang’a, piipiq nacaryuumiituq.
No, the baby does not want to wear a hat.
Piipiq-qaa malagg’aayaryugtuq ellamun anvailegmi?
Does baby want to wear a fur hat before going outside?
Qang’a, piipiq malagg’aayaryuumituq.
No, the baby does not want to wear a fur hat.
Piipiq-qaa pelatuugyugtuq ellamun anvailegmi?
Does the baby want to wear a scarf before going outside?
Ii-i, piipiq pelatuugyugtuq!
Yes, the baby wants to wear a scarf!