Richard Olsen
High School Teacher
Richard Olsen was born in Irene, South Dakota, in 1942, and he lived
on a farm in South Dakota near Irene. He went to school in a one room
schoolhouse for seven years and one year in the Irene Public School.
He graduated from Irene High School and went to college at the University
of South Dakota. The things he studied in college were Social Studies
and English. His major studies were in Business Education. He graduated
from the University in January of 1972.
He started teaching in the LYSD nine years ago, and this is his third
year teaching in Marshall. He plans to work here for a few more years.
He says he likes it here, and that Marshall is the best place that he
has taught since coming to the LYSD.
The kind of training he needed to get his job was more college courses
in education. Every five years he also has to take college courses to
renew his certification.
His job keeps him stimulated, and he still feels like getting up early
to prepare to teach the students. He would like to see all the students
do something after high school. He doesn't like to have students who
don't listen and who don't do what they are asked to do.
Richard has a family and says when they are happy it makes him happy.
Tatiana Sergie

Janice Olsen
Janice Olsen was born in Vermilion, South Dakota. She grew up on a farm
and went to a one room country school house with all eight grades in
it. She graduated from high school and went to college at the University
of South Dakota. While in college she studied elementary and special
education. Before she got her first job as a teacher she needed a college
degree with 40 credits in math, reading, writing, special education,
gifted and talented, computers, arts, and behavior classes.
Janice started working for the LYSD eight years ago and has been working
in Marshall for three years. She wants to teach until she is a very old
woman. She loves her work because she enjoys working with children. Janice
took a teaching job because her oldest daughter died of cancer at the
age of 16. Her first daughter needed special help in school, so she decided
to become a special education! elementary teacher to help children with
special needs in school. The best thing about her job is the children
because she thoroughly loves them.
Mary June Tinker