Tlingit Example Sentences with Audio

This collection of over 1,500 Tlingit example sentences and audio recordings was part of a Sealaska Heritage Institute project funded by the Administration for Native Americans between 2005 and 2009. Sentences were provided by elders Keiyishí Bessie Cooley, Kingeistí David Katzeek, Saḵaayí Anita Lafferty, Ḵooteix̱téek Johnny Marks, Aan Yax̱ Saxeex June Pegues, Ḵáachkoo.aaḵw Helen Sarabia, and G̱unaakʼw Fred White. Written examples were compiled by Keri Eggleston. Audio recordings feature the voices of Kingeistí David Katzeek, Saḵaayí Anita Lafferty, Ḵooteix̱téek Johnny Marks, Aan Yax̱ Saxeex June Pegues, Ḵáachkoo.aaḵw Helen Sarabia, and G̱unaakʼw Fred White.

Upload of this resource to this website was made possible by funding from the National Science Foundationʼs Dynamic Languages Infrastructure Program, award #BCS- 2125197 “Morphologically Complex Data Collection and Analysis for Improving Lexicographic Models” to the University of Alaska Fairbanks with Keri Eggleston as PI.

NOTE: We recommend not using Safari as your browser for this resource as it may not load properly. Please note that there are many typos, misspellings, missing tones, etc. in the written examples, as well as many places where the audio recording doesnʼt match up with the written examples in terms of word order. There are also some examples where the audio isnʼt available. The present project however, has concluded, and itʼs not possible to fix these problems at this time. In the interest of making this resource available to the community ASAP, it is being included here despite these issues. The goal during the next phase of the project will be to edit the written examples to match the audio recordings and fix any other typos and correct instances of missing audio. In the meantime, please enjoy the voices of our elders!

Index | A | C | D | E | G | H | I | J | K | L | N | P | O | S | T | U | W | X | Y

Daak̲ uwadáa. The tide is in. daak̲, ya-daa1

Daak̲w.aa x̲áat sá a k̲’anoox̲ú k̲udzitee tléil x̲wasakú. I don’t know which fish have beards. daak̲w.aa sá, x̲áat, a k̲’anoox̲ú, k̲u-dzi-tee1, tléil, si-koo2

Daak̲w aan sáwé? Which town is that? daak̲w, aan

Dáanaa teen has akawadlénx̲aa. They tempted him with money. dáanaa, ka-ya-dlénx̲aa

Daax’oonináx̲ k̲áa shaa shakéede al’óon has woo.aat. Four men went up on the mountain hunting. k̲áa, daax’oonináx̲, shaa, a shakée

Daax’oon k̲aa x̲’oos a kaayí wé nadáakw. That table measures four feet. a kaayí, nadáakw, daax’oon, k̲aa x̲’oos

Daax'oon yatee ax̲ ax̲áayi yaakw yíkx'. There are four paddles in my skiff. daax'oon, ya-tee1.1, ax̲áa, yaakw, a yík

Dagwatgiyáa a loowú yayát’ ka kulisáa. A hummingbird’s beak is long and skinny. dagwatgiyáa, a loowú, ya-yaat’, li-saa1

Dag̲ank̲úde woogoot. He left us (died). dag̲ank̲ú

Dákde át xóon áwé ayawditee. An offshore east wind is blowing. dákde át, xóon, a-ya-di-tee2

Dákwtasi átx̲ dulyéix̲ táay yíx’. Fertilizer is used in the garden. dákwtasi, táay, a yee, A-x̲ + li-yeix̲

Dák̲de k̲ákw aawayaa i léelk’w. Your grandmother died.  (Lit: She took her basket into the woods). dáak̲, -dei, k̲ákw, ya-yaa2, du léelk’w

Dak̲ kadigéix’ du guk.ádi. Her earrings are big. guk.ádi, ka-ya-gei1

Dak̲káx’ ‘Golden Eagle’ gijook yóo tuwasáakw. In the Inland, we call the Golden Eagle ‘gijook’. dak̲ká, gijook, ya-saa2

Dak̲ká yoo aawa.át. People walked into the interior. dak̲ká

Daleiyí tléil a k̲’anoox̲ú k̲oostí. Lake trout do not have beards. daleiyí, tléil, a k̲’anoox̲ú, k̲u-dzi-tee1

Danák̲ws’ cháatl g̲aa. He is baiting hooks for halibut. cháatl, di-naak̲w1

Dax̲adooshú kaay yéi kunaaléi wé aan héen sháakdáx̲. The town is seven miles from the head of the river. kaay, dax̲adooshú, ya-lei, héen sháak, aan

Dax̲adooshú yagiyee shunaaxéex aag̲áa daak wusitani yé. It has been raining for seven days. dax̲adooshú, yagiyee, shu-ya-xeex, aag̲áa, daak si-taan, yé

Dax̲dahéen yan yaawagás’. He fell on his face twice. dax̲dahéen, ya-gaas’

Dax̲ dligéix’i daleiyí Áa Tleindáx̲ dux̲út’x’. People pull (by hook) big trout out of Atlin Lake. Áa Tlein, ya-x̲oot’1, daleiyí, li-gei1

Dáx̲g̲aa a yíkde has woo.aat wé yaakw. The boarded the boat two by two. dáx̲g̲aa, a yík, yaakw

Dáx̲g̲aanáx̲ yaa has anal’éx̲. They’re dancing two by two. dáx̲g̲aanáx̲, a-ya-l’eix̲

Dáx̲náx̲ aan k̲áax’u wé at yátx’i has du jeeyís has at wooshee. Two chiefs sang for the children. aan k̲áax’u, dáx̲náx̲, ya-shee2

Dáx̲náx̲ aank̲áax'u wé atyátx'i jeeyís has at wooshee. Two chiefs sang for the children. dáx̲náx̲, aank̲áawu, wé, atyátx’i, has, du jeeyís, at, ya-shee2

Dax̲náx̲ a géekt a k̲éen wé yaakw. There are two people sitting at the stern of the boat. dax̲náx̲, a géek, ya-k̲ee, wé, yaakw

Dáx̲náx̲ k̲áa ya.áak áwé. It’s wide enough for two people. dáx̲náx̲ k̲áa, a ya.áak, áwé

Dax̲yeekaadéi áwé yaa éil’ kaadéi x̲wsiteen cheech. I have seen two kinds of porpoise in this ocean. cheech, éil’, dax̲yeekaadéi

Dei át woo.aat wéi yées kéidladi. The young seagulls are already walking around. kéidladi, yées, dei, ya-.aat1

Déi áwé déi wéi kaxéel’! Enough trouble, now! kaxéel', déi, áwé

Dei ch'áagu at sheeyí k̲únáx̲ du tuwáa sagóo nuch. S/he always likes old time songs. ch'áakw, shí, si-goo1.1

Dei kát la.ádi g̲éechadi aax̲ yéi awsinei. He removed the windfall from the road. dei, a ká, g̲éechadi, si-nee, li-.aat2

Deikeenaa k̲a Ts’ootsxán áa shayadihéin Kichx̲áan There are a lot of Haida and Tsimshian people in Ketchikan. Kichx̲áan, Deikeenaa, Ts’ootsxán, sha-ya-di-haa

Deikeenaa tóode haa kdlixwás’. Our roots stem from the Haida Deikeenaa, a tú, ka-dli-xwaas’1

Déili áa has shawdziyaa. They anchored in a harbor. déili, sha-si-yaa2

Deisléen jáaji k’idéin wududzikóo. Teslin snowshoes are well-known. jáaji, Deisléen, si-koo2

Deisleenx’ keijín has yatee k̲aa sháade nák̲x'i. In Teslin there are five leaders. k̲aa sháade nák̲x'i, Deisleen, keijín

Deishú k̲wáan has at shí ka has al’éix. The Haines People are singing and dancing. Deishú, a k̲wáan, ya-shee2, a-ya-l’eix̲

Deishúx’ awsiteen wé g̲anook. She saw a petrel in Haines. Deishú, si-teen, wé, g̲anook

Déix̲ wooch kik yátx´i ax̲ jeewú. I have two sets of twins. wooch kik yátx'ee

Déix̲ x̲áat haa jeex' ajeewanák̲. S/he left two salmon for us. déix̲, x̲áat, du jee, ji-ya-naak̲2

Dei yík áwé yaa nagút wé k̲áa. The man is walking in the road. dei, a yík

De tl’ag̲áa áwé yakoogéi. There is enough. tl'ag̲áa

Dikée aank̲áawu du éex’ atuwaheen. We believe in God. Dikée aank̲áawu, A-k’ + a-ya-heen

Dikée aank̲âawu du yéet ítx̲ na.aadí has du éen x̲’awdigáx’. Jesus prayed with his disciples. du ítx̲ na.aadí, Dikée aank̲áawu, du yéet, x̲’a-di-gaax’(in)

Dikée aank̲áawu du yéet ítx̲ nagoodí Peter yóo duwasáakw. Peter is the name of Jesus’ disciple. du itx̲ nagoodí

Dís x̲'usyee kawdli.ít’ch wé dleit káx’. Moonbeams are sparkling on the snow. dís x̲'usyee, dleit, ka-dli-.ít’ch

Diyée aank̲áawu jeet wudzigít. He fell into satan’s hands. Diyée aank̲áawu, du jee, dzi-geet1

Doonyaax̲l'aak yéi aya.óo. She’s wearing a slip. doonyaax̲l'aak

Dóosh yádi een áwé ash koolyát wé atk’átsk’u. The boy is playing with a kitten. dóosh yádi, atk’átsk’u

Dr. Smith yóo duwasáakw wé k̲aadaaxaashí. The surgeon’s name is Dr. Smith. k̲aadaaxaashí

Du daat sh kalneek k̲udzitee K̲éix̲’dáx̲ k̲'atx̲áan. There is  a story about the coward from Kake. k̲'atx̲áan, a daat, sh kalneek, K̲éix̲’, -dáx̲

Du dachx̲ánk’ du g̲ushká kei awsinúk. He put his grandchild up on his lap. du g̲ushká, du dachx̲án, kei si-nook1

Du dak̲éis’i tsaa doogú een át dulyeix̲. She uses seal skin for sewing. dak̲éis', tsaa, a doogú

Du dein k̲aa shuwaxíx. His relatives died off. a dein, shu-ya-xeex

Du díx̲' néekw nooch. His back always hurts. du díx̲', ya-neekw

Du dook yak’éi. Her complexion is good. du dook

Du doonyaax̲ k’oodás’i áx̲ g̲aa shóo. His undershirt is hanging out. du doonyaax̲, k’oodás’, A-x̲ + ya-shoo

Du dlaak’ een áwé ash koolyát. He’s playing with his sister. du dlaak'

Du éesh x̲´an yéi yatee wé yadák´w. That young man lives with his father. du x̲'an, éesh, yadák’w

Du eetí a kax̲yeet akaawlis’úx’w k̲áa yahaayí wé shaatk’átsk’u. The young girl pasted a photo on the ceiling of her room. shaatk’átsk’u, du eetí ká, a kax̲yee, k̲áa, du yahaayí, A- + ka-li-s’eex’w

Du ée yan at wududlitóow k̲aa oox̲ yéi daanéiyi yís. She completed dentistry school. k̲aa oox̲ yéi daanéiyi, a yís, A-x’ + li-toow

Du gáni a kaháadi yís áwé xwaasdáa aawa.oo. He bought a tarp as a cover for his firewood. gán, a kaháadi, a yís, xwaasdáa, ya-.oo2

Du gawdáani aadé woo.aadi yé a niyaadé g̲unéi wjixíx. He started running in the direction his horses went. gawdáan, á, -dé, ya-.aat1, a niyaadé, g̲unéi, ji-xeex

Du goosh awlichún. He hurt his thumb. du goosh, li-choon

Du guk.ádi kígi k̲ut akaawag̲éex’. One of her earrings got lost. a kígi, guk.ádi, ya-g̲eex’0.2

Du gúk káx̲ ayawayísh du sadaat’.aayí. She pulled her scarf down over her ears. du guk, a ká, -x̲, sadaat’.aay, ya-yeesh

Du gúkx’ tsú yéi aawduwa.oo wéi s’áak̲ k̲’anoox̲. They put a small bone labret in his ear too. du gúk, -x’, tsú, A-x’ + yéi ya-.oo1, wé, s’áak̲, k̲’anoox̲

Du gúk yís náakw du jeet wuduwatée. He was given medicine for his ear(s). du gúk, náakw, k̲aa jee- + ya-tee2

Du gwéili tóode aawatee wé g̲íl'aa. He put the grindstone in his bag. gwéil, a tú, -de, ya-tee2, wé, g̲íl’aa

Du g̲aatáa tl’átgi kaadé woogoot. He went out to his trapline. g̲aatáa, tl’átk

Du g̲áts dag̲aanéekw. His thighs are sore. du g̲áts, ya-neekw

Du g̲átsi g̲áa wootee yá kawáat. There are tumors all over her leg. du g̲átst, -g̲aa, kawáat

Du g̲áts kalshúk’x̲. His thighs would cramp. du g̲áts, ka-dli-shook’

Du g̲eiwú yaakwdé yaa anax̲út'. He is pulling his seine in. du, g̲eiwú, yaakw, -dei, yaa, ya-x̲oot’

Du hídi a kináak áwé át wulis’ees wé aan kwéiyi. The flag is blowing in the breeze above his house. hít, a kináak, á, li-s’ees, aan kwéiyi

Du hídidáx̲ kaay shoowú yéi kunaaléi hoon daakahídi. The store is a half mile from her house. kaay, hít, -dáx̲, a shoowú, ya-lei, hoon daakahídi

Du hídi gukshitú niyaadé áwé aas anax̲ akawahaa. He planted the tree towards the corner of his house. hít, a gukshitú, a niyaadé, aas, anax̲, ka-ya-haa

Du hídi gukshutú áa akaawahaa wé k̲’eikaxwéin. She planted the flowers at the corner of her house. a gukshutú, hít, k̲’eikaxwéin, ka-ya-haa(tr)

Du jáaji a dzaasí yaa nasháash. The thongs of his snowshoes are wearing thin. a dzaasí, jáaji, ya-shaash

Du jeeg̲áa koodáal du x̲éeyi. His backpack is not too heavy for him. du jeeg̲áa, x̲eey, ya-daal

Du jeeg̲áa yatee du yéi jineiyí. He is capable of handling his work. du jeeg̲áa

Du jeeyís héen g̲aa x̲waagóot. I went to get water for him. du jeeyís, héen

Du jeeyís l’éex’wán kax̲wsinei. I knitted socks for her. l’éex’wán, ka-si-nei

Du jigúnl’i akaawas’ít. He has bandaged his wrist. du jigúnl’i, ka-ya-s’eet

Du jig̲eix’ yaa anasnúk du séek’. He is carrying his daughter in his arms. du jig̲ei, du séek’, si-nook1

Du jiká awlichún, ách áwé jika.át yéi aya.óo. She hurt her wrist.  That’s why she’s wearing a wrist guard. du jiká, li-choon, á-, -ch, áwé, jika.át, yéi + ya-.oo1

Du jikóol akawsigáan. He has burned the back of his hand. du jikóol, ka-si-gaan1

Du jikóol kawdiyés’ The back of her hand is bruised. du jikóol, ka-di-yeis’

Du jinák̲ daak wulihásh wé ch’áal’. The willow drifted out away from him. du jinák̲, ch’áal’, daak, li-haash

Du jín kei awsitán. She raised her hand. du jín, si-taan(tr)

Du jintáak teen at’ácht wé kadu.uxx̲u át. She was slapping the balloon with the palm of her hand. du jintáak, tin, ya-t’aach, wé, kadu.uxx̲u át

Du jintáak tin akag̲útlx̲ wé tléik̲w. She is squashing the berries with the palm of her hand. du jintáak, tléik̲w, ka-ya-g̲ootl

Du jintáax’ jiwduwanák̲. He was put in charge of it. (Lit: It was left in his hands). du jintáak, ji-ya-naak̲

Du jintáax’ yéi yatee. It’s in his hands (he’s in charge of it). du jintáak, -x’, A-x’ + yéi + ya-tee

Du jintáax’ yéi yatee du dáanayi. His money is in his grip. du jintáak, -x’, A-x’ + yéi + ya-tee, du, dáanaa

Du jintakyádi káa yan akaawatée du tl’ik̲kakéesi. He put his ring in the center of his palm. du jintakyádi, ka-ya-tee2, tl’ik̲kakées

Du jín teen aawak̲áa. She sewed it by hand. du jín, ya-k̲aa2

Du jintúx̲ kasixát wé tíx’. The rope is in his grip. du jintú, tíx’, A- + ka-si-xaat1

Du jiwán aawak̲’ék’w. He cut the outside edge of his hand. du jiwán, ya-k̲’eik’w1

Du jiwán akaawsigaan. She burned the outside edge of her hand. du jiwán, ka-si-gaan1

Du jix̲ánt tí wé lítaa, dleey aan akg̲waxáash. Leave the knife near her, she will cut meat with it. du jix̲án, lítaa, dleey, aan, ya-xaash

Du jix̲ánx’ yan satán wé shunax̲wáayi. Leave the axe near him. du jix̲án, shunax̲wáayi, si-taan

Du jiyee áa yan awsitée du gwéili. He placed her bag in front of her. du jiyee, gwéil

Du jiyeet hán du yéetk’. Her son is standing in front of her. du jiyee, du yéetk’

Du jiyeex’ yan awli.át du dak̲éis’i. She placed her sewing nearby for her. du jiyee, -x’, dak̲éis’, li-.aat2

Du jiyee yan awatée wé atóowu x’úx’. She placed the book he was reading near him. du jiyee, x’úx’, ya-toow

Du káak du ée at latóow. His maternal uncle is teaching him. du káak, A-x’ + li-toow

Du káak x̲áni k̲uya.óo. He is living with his maternal uncle. du káak, k̲u-ya-.oo1

Du káak' wudix’ís’ k̲a kawdiyés’. His forehead is swollen and bruised. du káak', dli-xees’, ka-di-yeis’

Du káalk'w du x̲’eis at wusi.ée. His niece cooked for him. du káalk'w, du x̲’eis,

Du káalk'w gán du jeeyís aawaxaash. His nephew cut wood for him. du káalk'w, gán, du jeeyís

Du káani ji.een xáanaa atx̲aayí awsi.ée. She cooked the evening meal with her sister-in-law. du káani, du ji.een, xáanaa, atx̲aayí

Du kalóox’sháni néegooch wé du daa yawdzi.aa. He is being examined because of his bladder pain. du kalóox'shani, néekw, a daa + ya-dzi-.aa

Du kasánnáx̲ áwé yaa wajél, g̲unéi has aawal’éx̲. She put her hand around his waist and they began dancing. du kasán, -náx̲, yaa, ya-jeil, g̲unéi, has, a-ya-l’eix̲

Du kéek teen áwé k̲uk’éet’ has woo.aat. She went berry picking with her younger sister. du kéek, -teen

Du keey áwé wuduwaxaash. They cut into his knee. du keey, ya-xaash

Du keey shakanóox'u áwé tléi át nashx̲’ílch. His kneecap slides around. du keey shakanóox'u, tléi, shi-x̲’eel’

Du keidlí a jíni akaawas’ít. He bandaged his dog’s paw. a jíni, keitl, ka-ya-seet’

Du keidlí a jíni akaawas’ít. He bandaged his dog’s paw. keitl, a jíni, ka-ya-s’eet

Du kéidli du jinák̲ k̲út wujixeex. His dog ran away from him. du jinák̲, keitl, du, ji-xeex

Du keigú tóox’ áwé kawáat aawasháat. He got lung cancer. du keigú, a tú, -x’, ya-shaat

Du kíji áwé wool’eex’ wé ts’ítskw, ách áwé tlél át wudak̲ín. The songbird’s wing broke, that’s why it doesn’t fly around. a kíji, ts’ítskw, ya-l’eex’, di-k̲een

Du kíknáx̲ yóo x̲’ayatánk. He is talking while someone else is talking. a kíknáx̲

Du kíkt hán wé du yéet. His son is standing beside him. du kík, yéet

Du kook̲énaayi k̲ut wujixeex. His slave ran away. du kook̲énaayi, ji-xeex

Du kool áwé kawlixwétl. His naval itches. du kool

Du kwéiyi a k̲ínt kaawaxíx wé at katé. The bullet fell short of his mark. kwéiy, a k̲ín, A- +ya-xeex0.2, at katé

Du k̲atlyá awlichún. He hurt his side. du k̲atlyá, li-choon

Dúk̲ een dulyéix̲ seet yaakw. The canoe is made out of cottonwood. dúk̲, seet

Du k̲oowú tóode wujixéex wé naag̲as’éi. The red fox ran into his den. a k̲oowú, naag̲as’éi

Du k̲’wádli géxtl'x̲ sitee. Her pots are made of aluminum. k̲’wátl, géxtl’, A-x̲ + si-tee

Du k̲’wátl tséegi a lú akaawayéx̲ He sharpened the point of his stick to hang the pot over the fire. k̲’wátl, tséek, a lú, ka-ya-yeix̲1

Du léelk’w du tlagu k̲an saayíx̲ sitee. His grandparent is his namesake. du tlagu k̲an saayí, du léelk’w

Du léelk’w du x̲’éis at wusi.ée. Her grandmother cooked for her. du léelk’w, du x̲’é,

Du naax̲ sitee áwé du x̲ooní. His tribesman are those of his clan. du x̲ooní

Du nadáagu a ká k’idéin aawa.óos’. She washed the surface of her table really well. nadáakw, a ká, k’idéin, ya-.oos’

Du oox̲ kanat’á kahéeni yáx̲ kawdisék̲’w. Her teeth are the color of blueberry juice. kanat'á kahéeni, du oox̲, ka-di-seik̲’w

Dús’ áa yagéi wé x̲’aan eetí. There’s soot where the fire was. dús', x̲’aan, a eetí

Du saayí áwé ax̲ yáwduwasáa. I was given his/her name. saa, ya-saa2

Du séek’ du x̲ánt uwagút. Her daughter came to her. du séek’, du x̲án, -t, ya-goot

Du séek’ yageeyí a kayís áwé gáaxw awsi.ée. She cooked a duck for the occasion of her daughter’s birthday. du sée, yagee, a kayís, gáaxw,

Du shax´ées´i kulijée. His mated hair is unattractive. du x'ées'i, ka-li-jee2

Du táayi gukshitú áwé tléik̲w áa akawahaa. She planted berries in the corner of her garden. táay, a gukshitú, tléik̲w, á, ka-ya-haa

Du taayí yoo x̲'ayatánk. S/he talks in his/her sleep. tá, x̲'a-ya-taan0.1

Du téel dzaasí akaawadúx’. She tied her shoe laces. a dzaasí, téel, ka-ya-doox’

Du t’eix̲í ayaawag̲íl’. He sharpened his fish hooks. t'eix̲, ya-ya-g̲eel’

Du toowú kawdzitíx̲’ His inner thoughts are crooked. du toowú, ka-dzi-teix̲’

Du tláa jig̲eix’ táach uwaják̲ wé t’ukanéiyi. The baby fell asleep in his mother’s arms. du jig̲ei, tá, t’ukanéiyi, ya-jaak̲

Du tl’átgi dagiygé áwé héenák’w áx̲ kanaadaa. A small stream flows in the middle of her land. a dagiygé, tl’átk, héenák’w, ka-ya-daa1

Du tl’eek̲ áwé ax̲ yaa ash akaawliyén. He’s shaking his finger at me. du tl'eek̲, sha-ka-li-yein

Du tl’eik̲t yawdig̲iji sheey kak̲áas'i áx’ wudlik̲ít’. The splinter that poked her finger became infected. sheey kak̲áas'i, dli-k̲eet’, du tl’eik̲, -t, A- + ya-di-g̲eech

Du tl’ek̲shá áwé awdlix̲’éx̲’ wé stoox kaadáx̲. He burned his fingertip on the stove. du tl'ek̲shá, stoox, li-x̲’eix̲’

Du tl’ek̲tléin áwé tlél á. His second finger is missing. du tl'ek̲tléin, tlél

Du tl’óog̲u áwé ash kaawaxíl’. Her liver is bothering her. du tl'óog̲u, ka-ya-xeel’

Du waak̲x̲ kaawaxeex. It's appealing to his eye. du waak̲, ka-ya-xeex

Du wak̲kas’óox’ áwé át eehán. You’re blocking his view. du wak̲kas'óox', áwé, á, -t, ya-haan1

Du wak̲ltáaknáx̲ at wooxeex. She got something in her eye. du wak̲ltáak, ya-xeex

Du washtú áwé yanéekw. His cheek on the inside is in pain. du washtú

Du wax̲´ahéeni wulilóox̲. His tears flowed. du wax̲'ahéeni

Du wax̲´ax̲éix̲´u wooyaat´. Her eyelashes are long. du wax̲'ax̲éix̲'u, ya-yaat’

Du woosáani aawal’éex´. He broke his spear. woosáani, ya-l’eex’

Du wóow áwé káast yáx̲ koogéi. His chest is as large as a barrel. du wóow, káast, ya-gei1.1

Du xées´ k̲únáx̲ wudlix’is’. His shin is really swollen. du xées', dli-x’ees’

Du x̲áadi a jeig̲í wé s’íx’ kaax̲ aawa.óos’. She washed the scales of her fish off the plate. x̲áat, a jeig̲í, s’íx’, a ká, ya-.oos’

Du x̲aakw eetí áwé wé l’eiw káwu. His fingernail markings are in the sand. du x̲aakw eetí, l’eiw, a ká

Dux̲á gé g̲eey kanax̲ k̲utées'? Is/are ratfish edible? ya-x̲aa, gé, g̲eey kanax̲ k̲utées’

Du x̲´ahéeni kaawadaa. His saliva is flowing. du x̲'ahéeni, ka-ya-daa1

Du x̲´ás´ áwé aawagwál wé k̲áa. That man socked him on the jaw. du x̲'ás', ya-ya-gwaal

Du x̲’aséikw yaa shanaxíx. He is running out of breath (dying). x̲'aséikw, shu-ya-xeex0.1

Du x̲’atá wushix̲él. He’s foaming at the mouth. téil, dei, yaa, -x̲, -t, li-.aa1

Dux̲á wankashxéet. Starry flounders are eaten. wankashxéet

Du x̲´ax̲áni yéi awsinei wé atx̲á. The food that was made for him was at hand. du x̲'ax̲án, atx̲á

Du x̲´ayáx̲ awliyéx̲ wé kootéeyaa. He made the totem according to his instructions. du x̲'ayáx̲, kootéeyaa

Du x̲´ayee yan yéi wdudzinéi. They set a place for him. du x̲'ayee

Du x̲eek áwé wool´éex´. His upper arm is broken. du x̲eek, ya-l’eex’

Du x̲´eitákw yanéekw. His heel hurts. du x̲'eitákw

du x̲ikshá káx´ yaa anayéin wé jánwu. He is carrying the moutain goat on his shoulder. du x̲ikshá, jánwu, ya-yaa2

Du x̲´óol’ néekw nooch. His stomach hurts. du x̲'óol'

Du x̲'as'guwéis'i wuduwaxaash. His tonsils were cut off. du x̲'as'guwéis'i, ya-xaash

Du x̲'ool' k̲'adatóox̲. His stomach is growling. du x̲'ool', k̲'a-di-toox̲

Du x̲'usgoosh áwé wulix´ís. His big toe is swollen. du x̲'usgoosh

Du yaagú yax̲ woodláax̲’w. His boat ran aground. du, yaakw, yax̲ + ya-dlaax̲’w

Du yaagú yeix̲ woolaa. The tide went out from under his boat. yaakw, ya-laa1

Du yakg̲wahéiyágu tléil ultseen. His spirit is weak. k̲aa yakg̲wahéiyagu, tléil + li-tseen(st)

Du yéetk’ k̲aa oox̲ yei daanéiyix̲ sitee. His son is a dentist. du yéetk’, k̲aa oox̲ yei daanéiyi

Dleeyg̲áa áwé aadéi aawa.aat. People went for meat. dleey, -g̲áa, áwé, aa, -déi, ya-.aat1

Dleit k̲áach áwé awliyéx̲ wé x̲´éi shadagutx̲lítaa. The white man invented the pocket knife. x̲'éi shadagutx̲lítaa, dleit k̲áa

Dleit k̲áa woolnáx̲ wooshkáx̲ has al´óon. White men hunt the wren. woolnáx̲ wooshk̲áx̲, a-ya-l’oon

Dleit yáx̲ kaatee wé yaka.óot'. The button is white. yaka.óot'

Dleit yáx̲ shasitee wé g̲áx̲. The rabbit's head is white. dleit, si-tee1, g̲áx̲

Dleit yáx̲ wuduwanéegwál’ wé a kax̲yee. The ceiling of the building was painted white. dleit, a yáx̲, ya-neegwal’, a kax̲yee

Dleit yáx̲ yatee i shakéil’i. Your dandruff is white. shakéil', dleit

Dliwkát sh eeltín íxde yaa neek̲úx̲u yáa kanaadaayi héen káx’. Watch yourselves going down this river. li-tín, íx, -de, ya-k̲oox̲1, kanaadaayi héen, a ká, -x’

Dzaas áwé yéi akg̲wa.oo g̲eeg̲ách' akawusneiyí. She will use string when she crochets a hammock. dzaas, áwé, g̲eeg̲ách’, ka-si-nei, ya-.oo1

Dzánti áwé cháatl k̲ín k̲udligéi. Flounders are smaller than halibut. dzánti, cháatl, a k̲ín

Dzántik'i Héenix’ áwé x̲at k̲oowdzitee. I was born in Juneau. Dzántik'i Héeni, k̲u-dzi-tee1

Dzeit áx̲ kei wlishóo. There’s a ladder going up there. dzeit, A-x̲ + li-shoo

Dzeit shuyeet uwak̲úx̲ wé yaakw. The boat motored to the landing. dzeit shuyee, yaakw, ya-k̲oox̲1

Dzísk’u gwéinli s’igeidí g̲eiwú káx’ yéi ndu.ooch. People would use moose hooves on beaver nets. a gwéinli, s’igeidí, g̲eiwú, A-x’ + yéi + ya-.oo1

Dzísk’u g̲ádzi yaa anayáan. He is packing a moose hindquarter. a g̲ádzi, dzísk’w, ya-yaa2

Dzísk’u tl’óog̲u k̲a a dáali ax̲ x̲’éi yak’éi. I really like to eat moose liver and its tripe. a dáali, dzísk’w, du tl’óog̲u

Dzísk’w awusteení tle a dachóon kei uwagút. When he saw the moose he turned to walk straight towards it. dzísk’w, a dachóon, si-teen

Dziyáak áwé woogoot. He left a while ago. dziyáak