Tlingit Example Sentences with Audio

This collection of over 1,500 Tlingit example sentences and audio recordings was part of a Sealaska Heritage Institute project funded by the Administration for Native Americans between 2005 and 2009. Sentences were provided by elders Keiyishí Bessie Cooley, Kingeistí David Katzeek, Saḵaayí Anita Lafferty, Ḵooteix̱téek Johnny Marks, Aan Yax̱ Saxeex June Pegues, Ḵáachkoo.aaḵw Helen Sarabia, and G̱unaakʼw Fred White. Written examples were compiled by Keri Eggleston. Audio recordings feature the voices of Kingeistí David Katzeek, Saḵaayí Anita Lafferty, Ḵooteix̱téek Johnny Marks, Aan Yax̱ Saxeex June Pegues, Ḵáachkoo.aaḵw Helen Sarabia, and G̱unaakʼw Fred White.

Upload of this resource to this website was made possible by funding from the National Science Foundationʼs Dynamic Languages Infrastructure Program, award #BCS- 2125197 “Morphologically Complex Data Collection and Analysis for Improving Lexicographic Models” to the University of Alaska Fairbanks with Keri Eggleston as PI.

NOTE: We recommend not using Safari as your browser for this resource as it may not load properly. Please note that there are many typos, misspellings, missing tones, etc. in the written examples, as well as many places where the audio recording doesnʼt match up with the written examples in terms of word order. There are also some examples where the audio isnʼt available. The present project however, has concluded, and itʼs not possible to fix these problems at this time. In the interest of making this resource available to the community ASAP, it is being included here despite these issues. The goal during the next phase of the project will be to edit the written examples to match the audio recordings and fix any other typos and correct instances of missing audio. In the meantime, please enjoy the voices of our elders!

Index | A | C | D | E | G | H | I | J | K | L | N | P | O | S | T | U | W | X | Y

Wáang̲aneensx’ yanax̲ kei shak’íx̲’ch ax̲ yoo x̲’atángi. Sometimes my words get hung up. wáang̲aneens, -x’, yoo x̲’átángi, ax̲, sha-ya-k’eex̲’?

Wáa sá koogéi i yaagú? How big is your boat? ya-gei1.1, yaakw

Wáa sáyá koogéi wé k'wát'? How many eggs are there? k'wát', ya-gei1.1

Wáa yatee shax'sáani sá ash kudlénx̲aa? What kind of girls does he find tempting? shax'sáani, ka-ya-dlénx̲aa

Wáa yateeyi lingít sáwé wa.é? What kind of person are you? wáa, ya-tee, lingít, sá, wé, wa.é

Wáa yateeyi yéix’ at gutú.ádi g̲alsháatadi g̲adulshátch. Sometimes wild animals are held captive. wáa yateeyi yéix’, at gutú.ádi, g̲alsháatadi, li-shaat 0.2

Wáa yateeyi yéix’  kadás' kakandageich. Sometimes hail stones are big. kadás', wáa yateeyi yéix’

Wáa yateeyi yéix’ yáax’ yéi aa nateech táakw kánáx̲ wé k̲aatoowú. Sometimes some chickadees stay here for the winter. k̲aatoowú, wáa yateeyi yéix’, táakw, a kánáx̲

Wak̲dáanaa waak̲t akal.át. She is wearing eyeglasses. wak̲dáanaa, ka-li-.aat

Wak̲kadóox’ du yáa yéi duwa.óo. He was blindfolded. wak̲kadóox’, du yá, yéi, náa + yéi + di-.oo1

Wanatíxch wusitáax’ du wankach'eek̲. The ant bit his little finger. du wankach'eek̲, wanatíx, si-taax’

Wás’ kadánjaa áwé tláakw k̲uya.óo. People are overcome by the pollen. wás', kadánjaa, k̲u-ya-.oo1

Wasóos áwé a dleeyí yak´éi. Cow meat is good. wasóos, dleey

Wasóos l´aa tux̲áni yak´éi wash een. Cow milk is good with mush. wasóos l'aa tux̲áni

Wasóos wé akahéix̲i jee shayadihéin. The farmer has lots of cows. wasóos, akahéix̲i, du jee, shayadihéin

Was´x´aan tléig̲u aa g̲áa woogoot ax̲ tláa. My mom walked to get salmonberries. was'x'aan tléig̲u, tláa, ya-goot1.VII.1

Washéen kayéik aawa.áx̲. She heard the sound of the machine. washéen, a kayéik, ya-.aax̲1

Watsíx áa káa daak has awlikél’ wé g̲ooch. The wolves chased the caribou out onto the lake. g̲ooch, a ká, daak, has, li-keil’1, watsíx

Watsíx a lututúk̲l’i tléil tlax̲ ugé. The soft bone in a caribou nose is not so big. watsíx, a lututúk̲l’i, tléil, tlax̲, ya-gei1

Watsíx dáali agawdzi.ée. She cooked caribou tripe for herself. a dáali, watsíx

Watsíx dleeyí áwé x̲waax̲aa. I ate caribou meat. watsíx, dleey

Watsíx g̲ádzi yei akanaxásh. She is cutting up a caribou hindquarter. a g̲ádzi, watsíx, ka-ya-xaash

Watsíx ítx̲ yaa lunagúk̲ wé g̲ooch. The wolves are chasing after the caribou. a ít, watsíx, g̲ooch, lu-ya-gook̲

Wé áa kánáx̲ yan uwahóowu watsíx a ítnáx̲ yan uwak̲úx̲ wé yaakw. The boat followed behind the caribou that swam the lake. a ítnáx̲, watsíx, yaakw, ya-hoo, ya-k̲oox̲1

Wé áak’w a daa yaawagút. She walked around the little lake. a daa, áak’w

Wé áak’w déint áwé át woogoot wé shéech dzísk’u tlein. The big cow moose was walking around in the vicinity of the pond. a déin, áak’w, shéech, dzísk’w

Wé áak’w héeni oowat’áa. The pond water is warm. áak’w, héen, ya-t’aa

Wé áak’w k̲únáx̲ a dagiygé áwé watsíx at hán. There was a caribou standing right in the middle of the pond. a dagiygé, áak’w, watsíx

Wé aan daat kanahík wéix̲ yaa nashíx. The monkey is running along there. aan daat kanahík

Wé aan k̲áax’u wéix’ woosh x̲oot has wudi.át. The chiefs gathered there. aan k̲áax’u, di.aat1

Wé aank̲áax'u wéix' woosh x̲oot has wudi.át. The chiefs gathered there. wé, aank̲áawu, -x’, woosh, a x̲oo, -t, has, di-.aat

Wé aantk̲eení woosh ji.een gán has aawaxásh. The townspeople cut wood together. aantk̲eení, gán, ya-xaash, du ji.een

Wé aantk̲eení woosh ji.een gán has aawaxásh. The townspeople cut wood together. wé, aantk̲eení, woosh, du ji.een, gán, has, ya-xaash

Wé aas chéx̲’i tayeet áwé took̲een. We are sitting in the shade of the tree. aas, chéx̲'i, ya-k̲ee, a tayee

Wé aas goowú aax̲ aawas’úw. He chopped off that tree stump. aas goowú, ya-s’oow

Wé aas goowú káa woonook. S/he sat on that tree stump. aas goowú, ya-nook1

Wé aas k’iyeet áwé has k̲een. They’re sitting beneath the tree. a k'iyee, aas

Wé aas seiyít wujixíx séew tóodáx̲. She ran to the shelter of the tree to get out of the rain. aas seiyí, séew, a tú, ji-xeex

Wé aas tlein jiseiyíx’ wutudlisáa. We rested in the shelter of the big tree. aas, a jiseiyí, -x’, dli-saa3

Wé áat’lani du jíndáx̲ awlig̲oo. She wiped the slime off her hands. a áat’lani, li-g̲oo, du jín

Wé áat’lani nóox’ tóodáx̲ aawaxás’. He scraped the slime out of the shell. a áat’lani, a tú, nóox’, ya-xaas’

Wé akahéix̲i jeedáx̲ k’únts’ has aawa.oo. They bought potatoes from the farmer. akahéix̲i, du jee, k’únts’, ya-.oo2

Wé al’óon tlél wáa sá wootee. The hunt went alright. al’óon, wáa sá, A- + ya-tee1

Wé atx’aan hídi yee áwé áx̲ ashayaawatée wé x̲áat. She hung the fish inside of the smokehouse. wé, at x̲’aan hídi, a yee, áwé, A- sha-ya-ya-tee2.22, wé, x̲áat

Wé at x'aakeidí ín x'eesháa tóox' yéi na.oo. Put the seeds in a bottle. at x'aakeidí, ín x'eesháa, a tú, ya-.oo1.2

Wé at yátx’i aan daat kanahík has awsiteen. The children saw the monkey. aan daat kanahík

Wé dís kagáni káax’ yéi jiné. He works by moonlight. dís, yéi + ji-ya-nei, kagán

Wé dóosh a jíni dleit kaax̲ kínde alshát. That cat is holding its’ paw up off the snow. a jíni, dóosh, dleit, a ká, -dáx̲, kínde, li-shaat

Wé dóosh a jíni dleit kaax̲ kínde alshát. The cat is holding its paw up off the snow. dóosh, a jíni, dleit, a ká, kínde, li-shaat

Wé dóosh kadag̲áax̲. The cat is crying. dóosh, ka-di-g̲aax̲

Wé du aan eetí déin áwé g̲aatáa yan awli.át. She set traps near her camp. a déin, aan, g̲aatáa

Wé du k̲’wádli a yana.áat’ani a náa yan aawatán. She put the lid on her pot to cover it. k’wátl, a yana.áat’ani, a náa, A- + ya-taan

Wé du tuwáa sigóowu g̲áach aawa.oo. She bought the rug she wanted. g̲áach, si-goo1.1

Wé dleey yat'éex'. The meat is tough. wé, dleey, ya-t’eex’

Wé dleitdáx̲ kalóox̲jaa tayeex’ yan tán héen sákw. Set that below the snow drip for our water. dleit, kalóox̲jaa, a tayee, -x’, yan, héen, sákw, ya-taan(tr)

Wé dzísk’u ítx̲ yaa nagút ax̲ éek’. My brother is following that moose. a ít, du éek’

Wé dzísk’u tlein a ítx yaa na.át wé g̲ooch. The wolves are following behind the big moose. dzísk’w, tlein, a ít, ya-.aat, g̲ooch

Wé dzísk’w a lututúk̲l’i a kaax̲ kéi akaawas’él’. She tore (the membrane) off the soft bone in the moose nose. dzísk’w, a lututúk̲l’i, a ká, ka-ya-s’eil’

Wé éil’ héen diyáanax̲.á adawóotl yáx̲ áa at yatee. There is a war going on across the ocean. adawóotl, éil’, diyáanax̲.á

Weenáa x̲´é áwé át woohaan. He is standing around the sawmill. weenáa x̲'é

Wé  gán aan nagú wé k̲áashaan du shóot ag̲ida.aagít. Go with that wood, and build a fire for the elderly man. aan, gán, k̲áashaan, a-di-.aak1

Wé ganyal'óot' s’oow yáx̲ yatee. That flame is blue. wé, ganyal’óot’, s’oow, a yáx̲ + ya-tee

Wé gawdáan yádi át wujik’éin. That colt is jumping around. wé, gawdáan yádi, ji-k’ein

Wé gúx’waa ká g̲ánch nadáakw káa yan sa.ín. Put the can of tobacco on the table. wé, gúx’waa, g̲ánch, nadáakw, a ká, si-.een1

Wé g̲áal’ g̲eiyí atx̲á aan nagú i léelk’u x̲ánde. Go with the prepared clams to your grandparent. aan, g̲áal’ g̲eiyí, du léelk’u, du x̲án

Wé g̲aatáa yéidaanéiyi at gutóodáx̲ haat uwagút. The trapper came in out of the bush. g̲aatáa yéidaanéiyi, at gutú

Wé g̲áatl ax̲ tuwáa sigóo. I like the pilot bread g̲áatl

Wé g̲agaan kei yaséich wé k̲eix̲’é k̲uwahaayí. The sun lifts its face when dawn breaks. k̲eix̲'é, g̲agaan

Wé g̲anook has du déint wudik̲een. The small sea bird is flying around near them. g̲anook, a déin, di-k̲een

Wé g̲ayéis’ tíx’ áwé du jín táakt yawdig̲ích. The steel cable poked him in the hand. g̲ayéis' tíx', du jín, a táak, ya-di-g̲eech

Wé g̲uwakaan yádi a tláa teen yóode yaa nashíx. The fawn is running over that way with its mother. g̲uwakaan yádi, du tláa

Wé haa sháadeiháni gunalchéesh haa jeeyís yéi yanak̲éich. Our leader says thank you for us. wé, haa, k̲aa sháadei háni, gunalchéesh, haa, du jeeyís, yéi, A + ya-ya-k̲aa

Wé héen sháak áx’ áwé atx’aan hídi áa awliyéx̲. He built a smokehouse at the head of the river. héen sháak, atx’aan hídi

Wé hít a daaká k’idéin wududzinei. Someone fixed up the outside of that house. a daaká, hít, si-nee0.1

Wé hít a gukshutúdáx̲ kasixát wé kaxées’. The wire runs from the corner of that house. a gukshutú, -dáx̲, A- + ka-si-xaat, kaxées’

Wé hít ká aa yéi jiduné. Someone is working on that roof. hít ká, yéi + ji-ya-nei

Wé hít s'aatí John yóo duwasáakw. That house leader’s name is John. hít s'aatí

Wé hoon s'aatí jeeyís yéi jiné wé shaatk’. The young girl is working for that storekeeper. hoon s'aatí, du jeeyís, shaatk’

Wé hoon s'aatí teen yóo x̲’ali.átk ax̲ aat. My paternal aunt is talking with the storekeeper. hoon s'aatí, du aat, x̲’a-li-.aat2

Wéide wook̲oox̲i káa a ítde kk̲wagóot. I will go after that car that went that way. ya-k̲oox̲, káa, a ít, ya-goot

Wéidu g̲ánch gwéili nadáakw káa yan satí. Put the bag of tobacco on the table. wé, g̲ánch, gwéil, nadáakw, a ká, yan  si-tee2.12

Wéi kas’éet katíx̲’aa ax̲ jeet tí. Hand me the screwdriver. kas'éet katíx̲’aa, k̲aa jee- + ya-tee2

Wéi kashóok’ gwéil ax̲ x̲eek káa yan tí. Set the heating pad on my upper arm. kashóok’ gwéil, ax̲, du x̲eek, a ká, -x’, yan ya-tee2

Wéis´ du shax̲aawú át woo.aat. Louse are walking around in her hair. wéis', shax̲aawú, ya-.aat1.VIII

Wéi Sheet’kaadáx̲ adátx’i gank̲óox’ áwé has du ée at dultóow. The kids from Sitka are taught out in the wilderness. Sheet’ká, -dáx̲, adátx’i, gank̲ú, has, A-x’ + li-toow

Wéit .áx̲i kinaak.át a ká áwé aadé x̲wsiteen i gwéili. On top of that coat laying there is where I saw your bag. ya-.aax̲2, kinaak.át, a ká, si-teen, gwéil

Wéit lingít ánk’w áwé kei has anaswát. Those people there are raising a person who cries easily. lingít, ánk’w, si-waat, kei, wé, -t

Wéit tan s’íx’, kaadé x̲wsiteen wé lítaa. I saw the knife laying on the plate. a ká, s’íx’, lítaa, -dé, si-teen

Wéit tin x’úx’ áwé a káa yan kaysitán i kooxéedayi. You put your pencil on top of that book laying there. tin, x’úx’, a ká, si-taan, kooxéedaa

Wéix’ has at shí k’isáani, Ginjichwáan áwé. Those young men singing there, they are British. Ginjichwáan, k’isáani, wé, at shí

Wéix’ yéi jix̲aneiyí kaldáal’ix̲ áwé x̲at sitee. I was a typist when I worked there. kaldáal'i, wé, -x’, yéi + ji-ya-nei

Wé íx̲t'ch du éen akaawaneek wáa sá at gug̲waneiyí. The medicine man told him what was going to happen. íx̲t', ka-ya-neek, wáa sá, A + ya-nee

Wéix̲´ tlein aawashaat. She caught a big sculpin. wéix̲', ya-shaat

Wéix̲ yaa na.ádi watsíx, xóots a ítx̲ yaa nagút. A grizzly bear is walking behind the herd of caribou going that way. ya.aat, watsíx, xóots, a ít, ya-goot

Wéi yaakw yax̲ak’áaw kas’éet áa yéi du.oowú k’idéin yéi agux̲lasháat. If a screw is put in the bow of the boat, it will hold pretty well. yaakw, yax̲ak’áaw, kas’éet, á, -x’, k’idéin, A-x’ + yéi ya.oo1, yéi, li-shaat

Wé káa a geektdáx̲ áwé yaa anaskúx̲ du yaagú. The man is driving his boat from the stern. káa, a geek, si-k̲oox̲1, yaakw

Wé káast kaadéi lít wé a x'éix'u. Throw the gills in the barrel. káast, ya-leet0.1, a x'éix'u

Wé káayag̲ijeit káa g̲anú. Sit on that chair. káayag̲ijeit

Wé kag̲eet k̲únáx̲ has saligaaw yaa Aank̲áawu G̲eey. The Loons are really loud here in Ankau Bay. kag̲eet, g̲eiy, sa-li-gaaw

Wé kag̲ít tóox̲ yaa ntoo.ádi awdlidées. As we walked through the darkness, the moon shined bright. kag̲ít, a tú, -x̲, ya-.aat1, a-dli-dees

Wé kóok kax’ás’ti a náa yan aawatán. He put plywood over the pit in the ground. kóok̲, kax’ás’ti, a náa, A- + ya-taan

Wé kóok̲ a yee kawjig̲ít. It is dark inside the cellar. wé, kóok̲, a yee, ka-ji-g̲eet

Wé k’wátl kanáak ádi k̲út x̲waataan. I misplaced the lid for the pot. a kanáak, k’wátl, ya-taan, k̲út

Wé k̲áa ax̲ éesh jeedáx̲ aanka yeix̲a aawahées’. The man borrowed a plane from my Dad. aanka yeix̲a, du éesh, ya-hees’

Wé k̲áa du dachx̲ánk’i yís gawdáan aawa.óo. The man bought his grandchild a horse. wé, k̲áa, du dachx̲án, a yís, gawdáan, ya-.oo2

Wé k̲áa du jishagóoni k̲ut kaawasóos. The man’s tools are lost. wé, k̲áa, du, jishagóon, k̲ut ka-ya-soos

Wé k̲áa dzísk’u shaayí gangooknáx̲ as.eeyín. The man used to cook moose head by hanging it in front of the wé, k̲áa, dzísk’u, a shá, ganook, -náx̲,

Wé k̲áa góon awsiteen héenák’w táade. The man saw gold at the bottom of the creek. góon, k̲áa, si-teen, héenák’w, a táade

Wé k̲aa g̲áax’w ax̲áa nooch. The man always eats herring eggs. g̲áax’w

Wé k̲áa jeeyís hít wududliyéx̲. A house was built for that man. du jeeyís, hít, li-yeix̲1

Wé k̲áakwt iwuneeyéen áa k̲úx̲ teedataan. Think back to the time when you got hurt. k̲áakwt, ya-nee0.1, tu-di-taan0.2

Wé k̲áa neech káx’ áwé g̲alsháatadix wududliyéx. The man was made captive for nothing. k̲áa, neech, a ká, g̲alsháatadi, dli-yeix̲1

Wé k̲aa sháade háni k̲aa x̲áni daak uwagút. The leader came out to the people. k̲aa sháade háni, du x̲án, daak, ya-goot1

Wé k̲áashaan aan yaduxas’ át du jeewú. The old man has a razor. aan yaduxas’ at

Wé k̲aashaxáshaa yalik’áts’ The scissors are sharp. k̲aashaxáshaa, ya-li-k’aats’

Wé k̲áa watsíx aawaják̲. That man killed a caribou. k̲áa, watsíx, ya-jaak̲

Wé k̲áa watsíx téix̲’i akawlis’úk. The man fried caribou heart. k̲áa, téix’, watsíx, ka-li-s’ook

Wé k̲oowajag̲i aa du daach kalneek x’úx’ kaa yéi yatee. There is a story about the murderer in the paper. k̲oowajag̲i aa, x’úx’

Wé k̲u.éex’ túxjaa duwa.áx̲ch aadé. Stamping and clapping was heard at the potlach. túxjaa, k̲u.éex’, ya-.aax̲1

Wé k̲’wátl a kat’óot ashawlihík tléik̲w tin. She filled her pot part way up with berries. k̲’wátl, a kat’óot, sha-li-heek, tléik̲w, tin

Wé litseeni óoxjaa géide áwé yaa has na.át. They are walking against the strong wind. li-tseen, óoxjaa, a géide, ya-.aat

Wé naakéedáx̲ lingít g̲unayáade yóo has x̲’ali.átk. The people from the north speak differently. a g̲unayáade, naakée, x̲’a-li-.aat2

Wé naakw a daakeidí áyá. This is a container for that medicine. a daakeidí, nakkw

Wé Coscodáx̲ awóo atx̲á g̲aa. Order some food from Costco. a-ya-woo1, atx̲á

Wé saak̲ a x̲’énáx̲ áwé kadul.eesh wé k̲áas’ kaadéi. Those hooligan are strung through the mouth on the stick. a x̲'é, saak̲, k̲áas’, ka-li-eesh

Wé s’áaw a kát isa.eeyi k’wátl yana.áat’ani goosú á? Where is the cover for the pot you’re cooking the crab in? a yana.áat'ani, s’áaw, a ká,

Wé sakwnéin éewu yan ga.eet yig̲áa x̲a.áa áwé. I am sitting, waiting for the bread to finish cooking. sakwnéin éewu,, a yig̲áa, ya.-aa1

Wé s’eek gandaas'aají kúdi aawat’ei. The black bear found a bee’s nest/nest of bees. wé, s’eek, gandaas’aají kúdi, ya-t’ei1

Wé s’íx’ g̲áax’w a káa yéi yatee. There are herring eggs on that plate. g̲áax’w, s’íx’

Wé stóox a kanáakx’ yan sa.ín wé at téix̲i. Set the stew on top of the stove. a kanáak, stóox, at téix̲i, si-.een1

Wé shaa a déinde áa yaa nagút. He is walking in the direction of the mountain. a déinde áa, shaa

Wé shaa dayéen áayáx̲ oowahán. He turned around to face the mountain. a dayéen, shaa

Wé shaa shakéede duwatéen wé g̲agaan x̲’usyee. The ray of sunlight can be seen on the mountain top. shaa shakée, ya-teen, g̲agaan x̲’usyee

Wé shaatk’ du kacháwli áwé yéi yatee. That young girl is his sweetheart. du kacháwli, shaatk’

Wé shaatk’ du léelk’w jiyáx̲ dak̲éis’. That young girl sews the way her grandmother does. du jiyáx̲, shaatk’, du léelk’w, ya-k̲aa2

Wé shaatk’ gúx’aa kát cháayoo ax̲ jeet awsi.ín. The young girl gave me tea in a cup. gúx'aa, shaatk’, -t, cháayoo, si-.een1

Wé shaawát du g̲ushká yan awsi.ín du s’íx’i. The woman put her plate on her lap. du g̲ushká, shaawát, s’íx’, si-.een1

Wé shaawát g̲ánch kat’éex’ du jeet wuduwatée. The woman was given a plug of tobacco. shaawát, g̲ánch, kat’éex’, k̲aa jee- +ya-tee2.5

Wé shaawát Ik̲kaa lingítx̲ sitee. That woman is a Copper River Athabascan person. Ik̲kaa, shaawát, lingít, A-x̲ + si-tee1

Wé táay káa yéi na.oo wé káts. Put the pounded shell powder on the garden. táay, a ká, -x’, káts

Wé TV a dayéen áa. He sat facing the TV. a dayéen

Wé tá i waak̲dáx̲ na.óos'! Clean the sleep from your eyes! tá, du waak̲, ya-.oos'

Wé tóonáx̲ k̲aateen kaadé awsiteen du yahaayí. He saw his image in the mirror. tóonáx̲ k̲aateen, du yahaayí, si-teen

Wé tlagu hídi gaannáx̲ wuduwanéegwál’. Someone painted the outside of the old house. tlakw, hít, gaan

Wé tléik̲w a daakeidi yís áyá. This is a container for the berries. a daakeidí, tléik̲w

Wé tléix’aa yáx̲ ágé yan uwanée? Is it ready like the other one? a yáx̲, tléix’aa, ya-nee0.2

Wé ts’ats’ée g̲agaan  x̲’usyeet áa. That song bird is sitting in the ray of sunlight. ts’ats’ée, g̲agaan x̲’usyee, ya.aa

Wé tséek a lú yalik’áts’. The point of a barbeque stick is sharp. tséek, a lú, ya-li-k’aats’

Wé bus yig̲áa x̲a.áa. I am sitting waiting for the bus. a yig̲áa, ya.-aa1

Wé wanadóo latíni táach uwaják̲. The shepherd fell asleep. wanadóo latíni, ya-jaak̲, tá

Wé wanadóo yádi k̲ut wudzigeet. The lamb got lost. wanadóo yádi, k̲ut dzi-geet

Wé watsíx a doogú awlixwách. She is tanning the caribou skin. a doogú, watsíx, li-xwaach

Wé x’aa a jiseiyí áa yan uwak̲úx̲ wé yaakw. The boat landed in the shelter of the point. a jiseiyí, x’aa, yaakw

Wé x’aa g̲ei xóon tléil aan utí. The North Wind does not bother the shelter of the point. x’aa, a g̲ei, xóon, tléil, aan, ya-tee1

Wé x´aháatde nagú. Go to the door. x'aháat

Wé x´akaskéin daax´ áwé yéi jiné. She is working on the unfinished basket. x'akaskéin, a daa, ji-ya-nei0.1

Wé x´ees du kaanáx̲ yatee. The boil is too much for him. x'ees, a kaanáx̲

Wé x̲´aan yayát´k wé yées stoox tóox’. The fire lasts in the new stove. x̲'aan, ya-yaat’, yées, stoox, a tú

Wé x̲áat a jeig̲í teen yax̲ ayawlixásh. She cut up the fishes with the scales on. a jeig̲í, x̲áat, ya-xaash

Wé x̲áat a kajeig̲í aax̲ yéi awsinei. She took the scales off the fish. x̲áat, a kajeig̲í, á, -dáx̲, yéi + si-nee0.7

Wé x̲áat a kajeig̲i akát oowaxúk. The scales of the fish dried on it. x̲áat, a kajeig̲í, a ká, ya-xook

Wé x̲áat g̲ákw yáx̲ oowaxúk. That fish is dried and hard. x̲áat, g̲ákw, yáx̲, ya-xook

Wé x̲aat kanat'á kahéeni káa yéi gax̲too.oo. We will put the roots in the blueberry juice. x̲aat, kanat’á kahéeni, a ká, A-x’ + yéi ya-.oo1

Wé x̲áat yik.ádi kanasxá naaliyéidei. Dump the fish guts far away. a yikádi, x̲áat, ka-si-xaa

Wé x̲’agáax’ daakahídi gaawú ik̲náach' tin wududliyéx̲ The church bell is made of brass. ik̲náach', gaaw, x̲’agáax’ daakahídi

Wé yaakw tlein Aangóonx’ tliyéi yéi wootee. The big boat stopped in Angoon. Aangóon, yaakw, tlein, ya-tee1.11

Wé yáay yax̲ woodláax̲’w. The whale is stuck on the beach. wé, yaay, yax̲ + ya-dlaax̲’w

Wé yadak’átsk’u chooneit tín áwé aawat’úk wé ts’ísk’w. The young boy shot the bird with a barbed arrow. chooneit, yadak’átsk’u, ts’ísk’w, ya-t’ook

Wé yawat’aayi goon héeni g̲áa woogoot. He went to get some warm spring water goon, ya-ya-t’aa, héen, g̲áa

Wé yées k̲áa du húnx̲w ítx̲ yaa nagút. The young man’s older brother is walking along behind him. du húnx̲w, du ít, -x̲, ya-goot1

Wé yées xwaasdáa g̲ákw yáx̲ yatee. The new tent is (stiff) like a tree spine. yées, xwaasdáa, g̲ákw, a yáx̲ + ya-tee1.7

Wiktáawya k̲wáan áwé wé shaatk´. That young woman is from Victoria. Wiktáawya, k̲wáan, shaatk’

Wildflower Court wé hospital t’ak̲ká yéi yatee. Wildflower Court is next to the hospital. a t'ak̲ká

Wooch g̲unayáadei ch’éen i dlaak’ jeewú. Your sister has different kinds of hair ribbons. ch'éen, du dlaak’

Wooch teenx̲ yee nastí. Stay together. wooch, teen, yee

Wooch yáx̲ x’wán anayl’eix̲ gáande yaa nay.ádi. Be sure to all dance alike when you walk out. a yáx̲, gáan, a-ya-l’eix̲, ya-.aat1

Wool tlein áwé woos´éil’ wé g̲eiwú. There is a large hole torn in the net. wool, g̲eiwú, ya-s’eil’

Woosh gax̲dusháa a kayís áwé yées l’aak awak̲aa. There was to be a wedding so she sewed herself a new dress for that occasion. ya-shaa1, a kayís, yées, l’aak, ya-k̲aa2

Woosh gunayáade teel x̲aateen. I see a variety of different shoes. woosh g̲unayáade aa, teel

Woosh g̲uwanyáade kwdigéi túlx’u. Drill bits come in different sizes. woosh g̲unayáade, ya-gei1, túlx'u

Woosh yaayí hél du jee. He doesn’t have a pair. woosh yaayí

Woow tunéekwdáx̲ áwú wooneix̲. She was saved from tuberculosis. woow tunéekw, ya-neix̲

Wóosnáx̲ tíx´ yáanáx̲ litseen. Chain is stronger than rope. wóoshnáx̲, tíx’, yáanáx̲, li-tseen0.1(st)

Wóow yéi awsinei. He made lunch. wóow

Wuditláx̲ a tuk̲daa. The bottom of it is moldy. a tuk̲daa, di-tlaax̲

Wudix’ís’ du goosh. His thumb is swollen. du goosh, dli-x’ees’

Wuduwax̲oox̲ yóode wé k̲aa s'aatí. The boss was called to go over there. k̲aa s'aatí, ya-x̲oox̲ gé wé yat’aayi héen? Did the coffee boil? li-.ook, gé, wé, yat’aayi héen

Wuls´eexí wé x̲éel’ lichán. When the slime rots it stinks. x̲éel', li-s’eex, li-chaan

Wusi.áax'w du yoo x̲'atángi, ch'a aan áwé du x̲'éide k̲oowdudzi.aax̲. His words were biting, yet people listened to him. si-.aax’w, du, yoo x̲’atánk, ch’a, aan, áwé, du x̲’é, -t, dzi.aax̲