Tlingit Example Sentences with Audio

This collection of over 1,500 Tlingit example sentences and audio recordings was part of a Sealaska Heritage Institute project funded by the Administration for Native Americans between 2005 and 2009. Sentences were provided by elders Keiyishí Bessie Cooley, Kingeistí David Katzeek, Saḵaayí Anita Lafferty, Ḵooteix̱téek Johnny Marks, Aan Yax̱ Saxeex June Pegues, Ḵáachkoo.aaḵw Helen Sarabia, and G̱unaakʼw Fred White. Written examples were compiled by Keri Eggleston. Audio recordings feature the voices of Kingeistí David Katzeek, Saḵaayí Anita Lafferty, Ḵooteix̱téek Johnny Marks, Aan Yax̱ Saxeex June Pegues, Ḵáachkoo.aaḵw Helen Sarabia, and G̱unaakʼw Fred White.

Upload of this resource to this website was made possible by funding from the National Science Foundationʼs Dynamic Languages Infrastructure Program, award #BCS- 2125197 “Morphologically Complex Data Collection and Analysis for Improving Lexicographic Models” to the University of Alaska Fairbanks with Keri Eggleston as PI.

NOTE: We recommend not using Safari as your browser for this resource as it may not load properly. Please note that there are many typos, misspellings, missing tones, etc. in the written examples, as well as many places where the audio recording doesnʼt match up with the written examples in terms of word order. There are also some examples where the audio isnʼt available. The present project however, has concluded, and itʼs not possible to fix these problems at this time. In the interest of making this resource available to the community ASAP, it is being included here despite these issues. The goal during the next phase of the project will be to edit the written examples to match the audio recordings and fix any other typos and correct instances of missing audio. In the meantime, please enjoy the voices of our elders!

Index | A | C | D | E | G | H | I | J | K | L | N | P | O | S | T | U | W | X | Y

Gáal’ g̲eiyí duxá. Someone is eating clams. gáal’ g̲eiyí

Gáal' has akaháa. They are digging clams. gáal’, has, ka-ya-haa

Gáande wé tl’eex. Put the dirt outside. tl’eex, gáande

Gaan eetí kélt’ k̲ugáas’ yáx̲ yatee. Ashes from the fireplace are gray. gán eetí, kélt’, k̲ugáas’, a yáx̲ + ya-tee1

Gaan kaanáx̲ jiyawsitán. He put his hands over the fire. gaan, a ká, -náx̲, ji-ya-si-taan

Gáanu hás, i yeeg̲áax̲ has sitee. They are outside waiting for you. gáan, -u, hás, i, a yeeg̲áa, has, si-tee

Gáaxw áwé yéi duwasáakw wak̲kals'oox̲' gáaxw. That duck is called a scooter duck. wak̲kals'oox̲' gáaxw

Gandaadagóogu kayéik x̲aa.áx̲ch. I can hear a woodpecker (pecking on a tree). gandaadagóogu, kayéik, ya-.aax̲1

Gandaadagóogu wéit wudik̲een. A woodpecker is flying around there. gandaadagóogu, wé, di-k̲een

Gandaas'aají k̲’eikaxwéin x̲oot kawdliyeech. Bees are flying around among the flowers. gandaas’aají, k̲’eikaxwéin, a x̲oo, ka-dli-yeech

Gandaat has k̲éen. They are sitting around the fire. gandaa, ya-k̲ee

Gandaax’ té áa has akaawachák. They piled rock around the fire. gandaa, té, ka-ya-chaak

Gangukg̲áx̲i has du sitgawsáan atx̲aayí áwé. The fish heads cooked on hot ground around a fire is their lunch. gangukg̲áx̲i, sitgawsáan, atx̲á, áwé

Gangukg̲áx̲i k̲únáx̲ has du x̲’é yak’éi. The fish heads cooked on hot ground around a fire is very tasty to them. gangukg̲áx̲i, k̲únáx̲, du x̲’é, ya-k’ei

Gán kak̲ásti aawas’oow wé x̲’aan yís. He chopped kindling for the fire. gán kak̲ásti, ya-s’oow, wé, x̲’aan, a yís

Gán kak̲ásti k̲óok tóox’ neil awsi.ín. He brought the kindling inside in a box. gán kak̲ásti, k̲óok, a tú, neil, si-.een1

Gánti yaakw kaadé yís gán has aawaxásh. They cut wood to put on the steamboat. gánti yaakw, a ká, a yís, gán, ya-xaash

Gánti Yaakw Séedidáx̲ Lingít áwé. That is a Tlingit from Petersburg. Gánti Yaakw Séedi, -dáx̲, Lingít, áwé

Gánti Yaakw Séedix’ yaakw tlein yíx̲ aawa.aat. People boarded the big boat at Petersburg. Gánti Yaakw Séedi, yaakw, tlein, a yík, ya-.aat1

Gán tléil du jee. He does not have any firewood. du jee, gán

Gán wóoli a kaháadi áa kéi aawatée. He put the cover for the smoke hole up there. gán wóoli, a kaháadi, á, kei ya-tee2.1

Gán yaa has anasxát’ du káani tin. He is hauling wood with his brother-in-law. du káani, gán

Ganyal'óot' ganaltáakdáx̲ kei wjitúk. The flame shot up out of the fire. ganyal’óot, ganaltáak, -dáx̲, shi-took2

Gán yís akaawaxaash wé g̲éechadi. She cut up the dead trees for firewood. gán, a yís, ka-ya-xaash, wé, g̲éechadi

Gawdáan wéix̲ yaa ayanasyék̲. She is leading the horse there. gawdáan, wé, ya-si-yeek̲1

Gax̲toolsáa, a ít tsá gax̲too.aat. We will rest and we will go after that. a ít, dli-saa3

Geesh tóot uwak̲úx̲ wé yaakw. The boat drove in among the kelp. geesh, a tú, ya-k̲oox̲, wé, yaakw

Geesh x̲oot wootlóox’ wé yáxwch’. The sea otter is rolling around in the kelp. geesh, a x̲oo, ya-tloox’, wé, yáxwch’

Géxtl' tléil udál. Aluminum is not heavy. géxtl’, tléil, ya-daal

Gijook wéit kawdliyeech. The mountain or yellow hawks are flying around there. gijook, wé, ka-dli-yeech

Ginjichwáan áwé áx̲ has sitee. They are British. Ginjichwáan, -x̲

Gishoo a kík ax̲ jeet wududzitáa. I was given half of a pig. a kík, gishoo

Gishoo dleeyí haa x̲’é yak’éi. We like pork. gishoo, a dleeyí, haa, x̲’é, ya-k’ei

Gishoo taayí k̲a dleey wóosh teen akawlis’úk. She fried the meat with bacon. gishoo taayí, dleey, ka-li-s’ook

Giyak̲w K̲wáanx̲ sitee ax̲ x̲ooní, Russell. My friend Russell is Alutiq. Giyak̲w, k̲wáan, -x̲, ax̲, x̲ooní

Giyak̲w K̲wáan yóo x̲’atángi k̲óox’ altóow. He is teaching the Alutiq language. Giyak̲w, k̲wáan, yóo x̲’atángi, A-x’ + li-toow

Góon a káx’ yéi wduwa.oo wé guk.át. The earrings are made with gold. guk.át, góon, a ká, -x’, A-x’ + yéi + ya-.oo

Gooch a litká aadé duwatéen wé g̲ooch. You can see the wolf on the ridge of the small hill. gooch, a litká, á, -dé, ya-teen, g̲ooch

Gooch shakée áa has wudlisáa wé lingít. The people rested at the top of the hill. gooch, a shakée, lingít, dli-saa3

Gooch shakéex’ wutusiteen wé sheech dzísk’w. We saw the cow moose on top of the hill. gooch, a shakée, -x’, si-teen, sheech, dzísk’w

Goon dáanaa een áwé kawduwat’íx̲’ ax̲ jeeyís yáa kées. This bracelet was pounded out of a gold coin for me. kées, goon, dáanaa, -een, ka-ya-t’eix̲’

Gooshúk̲ dáanaa yéi x̲’alitseen wé x’úx’. The book costs nine dollars. gooshúk̲, dáanaa, x’úx’, x̲’a-li-tseen

Gooshúk̲ yatee du keidlx’í. He has nine dogs. gooshúk̲, keitl

Gootl kanáx̲ yawjik’én wé naag̲as’éi. The red fox jumped over the mound. gootl, a ká, -náx̲, naag̲as’éi

Gootl kát áa wé g̲áx̲. The rabbit is sitting on the mound. gootl, a ká, -t, g̲áx̲

Goox' sáwé yéi has gax̲dusk̲éi wé t'ukanéiyi? Where will they seat the babies? ya-k̲ee, t'ukanéiyi

Goox̲ k̲aa jee yéi téeyin. People used to have slaves. goox̲, k̲aa, du jee

Goox̲ shayadahéinin ch’áakw. There were lots of slaves long ago. goox̲, ch’áakw, sha-ya-di-haa

Góos' tóonáx̲ ayatéen. S/he sees it through the clouds. góos', a tú, ya-teen

Guk.át ax̲ jeet kawdudli.át. I was given earrings. guk.át, k̲aa ee- + ka-li-.aat

Guk kajaash yéi aya.óo. She is wearing earrings. guk kajaash

Gúkshi yan sa.ín wé kak̲áshx̲i a káa yéi tuwa.oowú kaast. Put the barrel we put the steamed berries in in the corner. kak̲áshx̲i, gúkshi, yan, si-.een1, A-x’ + yéi + ya.-oo1, kaast

Gúk̲l' dleit yáx̲ dag̲aatee. Swans are white. gúk̲l’, dleit, a yáx̲ + ya-tee1.7

Gúk̲l' wéit wusikwaan. Swans are swimming around there. gúk̲l’, wé, -t, si-kwaan

Gunalchéesh ax̲ x̲'éit yeeysa.aax̲í. Thank you all for listening to me. gunalchéesh, ax̲, du x̲’é, -t, k̲aa x̲’éi- + si-.aax̲1

Gunalchéesh ax̲ x̲'éit yeeysa.aax̲í. Thank you all for listening to me. gunalchéesh, du x̲'éi, si-.aax̲1(in)

Gunalchéesh yéi áwé. Thank you that's all.

Gunalchéesh yéi yank̲ak̲aat áyá x̲wdihaan. I stood up to say thank you. gunalchéesh, yéi, ya-k̲aa, áyá, di-haan1

Gúnl’ aax̲ aawaxaash. He cut the burl off. gúnl'

Gúnl’ yéi awa.oo nadáakw ax̲layeix̲ít. He used a burl to make a table. gúnl', nadáakw, A-x̲ + li-yeix̲1

Gúnx̲aa yaka.óot’i aawa.oo. She bought abalone buttons. gúnx̲aa, yaka.óot’

Gúnx̲aa yaka.óot’i du luljíni káx’ akaawak̲áa. She sewed the abalone buttons on her vest. gúnx̲aa, yaka.óot’, luljín, ka-ya-k̲aa2

Gus’shúde duwatéen wé g̲agaan. The sun is visible on the horizon. gus'shú, g̲agaan, ya-teen

Gus’shúde x̲aatéen wé watsíx. I see the caribou on the horizon. gus'shú, watsíx

Gus'k'ik̲wáan l'oowú teen wududliyéx̲ wé nadáakw. The table is made of oak. gus'k'ik̲wáan l'oowú,

Gus'k'ik̲wáan l'oowú tléil yáax’ kooséix̲. Oak trees do not grow here. gus'k'ik̲wáan l'oowú, yáa, ka-ya-.aa3

Gus'yadóoli taakw eetíx’ haax̲ kalyeech. Sandpipers fly here in the spring. gus'yadóoli, taakw eetí, haa, ka-dli-yeech

Gus'yadóoli wéide sax̲aa.áx̲ch. I hear the sandpiper over there. gus'yadóoli, sa-ya-.aax̲1

Gút akaawat’éi. She found herself a dime. gút, ka-ya-t’ei1

Gutéix̲' áwé du éesh. His dad is a Chugach Eskimo. Gutéix̲'

Gút yéi x̲’alatseenín k’óox̲’. Gum used to cost a dime. gút, k’óox̲’, x̲’a-li-tseen

Gútl teen al’óon woogoot. He went hunting with a blunt arrow. gútl, a-ya-l’oon

Gúx’aa a kat’óot kaawadáa wé cháayoo. The tea is filled to part way up the cup. gúx’aa, a kat’óot, ka-ya-daa1, cháayoo

Gúx’aa tú dleeyí aawa.óo. He bought a can of meat. gúx'aa, a tú, dleey

Gwálaa teen ch’áal’ aawas’úw k̲aa x̲’usdeiyí kaax̲. He chopped willows off the foot trail with a machete. gwálaa, ch’áal’, k̲aa x̲’usdeiyí, ya-s’oow

Gwál tleik̲áa x̲’oos áwé a kax̲yee. It must be twenty feet to the ceiling. a kax̲yee, gwál, tleik̲áa, x̲’oos

G̲áatl aawax̲áa He ate pilot bread. g̲áatl

g̲áax̲ shí een áwé yawaxeex wé k̲u.éex’. A cry song took place at the potlatch. g̲áax̲, shí, ya-ya-xeex, k̲u.éex’

G̲agaan át x̲'oos uwatsóow. The sun is poking its feet out (in reference to sun rays). g̲agaan, du x̲'oos, ya-tsoow

G̲agaan daak uwaxíx wé séew ítdáx̲. The sun came out after the rain. G̲agaan, daak, ya-xeex, séew, a ít

g̲alsaayít áwé du yéi jineiyí a nák̲ woogoot. She went away from her work so that she could rest. dli-saa3, yéi jiné, a nák̲, ya-goot1

G̲alyáx̲ K̲wáan áwé G̲alyáx̲ Kaagwaantaanx̲ has sitee. The Kaliakh River people are the Kaliakh River Kaagwaantaan. G̲alyáx̲ K̲wáan, Kaagwaantaan

G̲alyáx̲ K̲wáan áwé Yaakwdaat k̲wáan x̲oox’ yéi s yatee. The Kaliakh River people live among the Yakutat people. G̲alyáx̲ K̲wáan, Yaakwdaat, a x̲oo

G̲ánch áwé aan yéi adaané wéi kat'éx̲'aa yeit. He uses the mortar for pounding his tobacco. kat'éx̲'aa yeit, g̲ánch, aan, yéi + daa-ya-nei

G̲aneix̲ káx̲ sh káa x̲’awdigáx’. She prayed for his salvation. g̲aneix̲, k̲aa káa + x̲’a-di-gaax’

g̲áx̲ awdlidás’. She snared a rabbit. g̲áx̲, dli-daas’

G̲áx̲ dleeyí ágé i x̲'éi yak'éi? Does rabbit meat taste good to you? g̲áx̲, dleey, du x̲'éi, ya-k'ei0.1

G̲ayéis’ hítdáx̲ áwé haa x̲oot yawduwax̲aa Anóoshi yéi kdunéek ch’áakw. Russians were brought among us from jail it is told long ago. g̲ayéis' hít, a x̲oo, Anóoshi, ch’áakw, ka-ya-neek0.1, ya-ya-x̲aa2

G̲ayéis’ layeix̲íx̲ nax̲sateet áwé. She is studying to be an engineer. g̲ayéis' layeix̲í, si-tee1

G̲ayéis’ layeix̲íx̲ nax̲sateeyít sgóoni yoo uwagút. He went to school to become an engineer. g̲ayéis’ layeix̲íx̲, si-tee1, sgóon, ya-goot1

G̲ayéis' a háatl’ix̲ yoo siteek. Iron will rust. g̲ayéis’, háatl’, A-x̲ + si-tee1

G̲ayéis' du hít kát akaawsix’óo. He nailed tin on his roof. g̲ayéis’, ka-si-x’oo, hít ká, -t

G̲ayéis' hít áa yéi jiné. He works at the jail. g̲ayéis’ hít, yéi +ji-ya-nei, á, -x’

G̲ayéis' hítde kawduwanáa. He was sent to jail. g̲ayéis’ hít, ka-ya-naa3

G̲ayéis' k̲’wátl dak̲ yadál. (Cast) iron pots are heavy. g̲ayéis’, k̲’wátl, ya-daal

G̲ayéis' layeix̲í jeedé x̲’awditaan du éet g̲adasheet. She telephoned the engineer to help her. g̲ayéis’ layeix̲í, du jee, x̲’a-di-taan, di-shee1

G̲eey tá déilit awsik̲úx̲ du yaagú. She drove her boat to the shelter of the bay. g̲eey, a tá, si-k̲oox̲, yaakw, déili, -t, du

G̲eey tá héen yaa nalt’íx’. The water in the bay is freezing. g̲eey, a tá, héen, li-t’eex’

G̲eitl’ du x̲’éit uwadáa. He is drooling. g̲eitl’, du x̲’é, ya-daa1

G̲eiwú tléil du jee. She does not have a fish net. du jee, g̲eiwú

G̲eiwú wooch yáx̲ awsinei tle daak ashakaawak̲úx̲. She straightened the net out and then she set it. g̲eiwú, tle, wooch yáx̲ si-nee

G̲íl' yaax̲ kanaadaa wé héen. The water is flowing down the face of the rock cliff. g̲íl’, a yá, ka-ya-daa, wé, héen

G̲íl' yaax̲ kei naltl’ét’ wé yadák’w. The young/teenage boy is climbing the rock face. g̲íl’, a yál, dli-tl’eit’, wé, yadák’w

G̲ítg̲aa ayax̲saháa yóode woogoot. She went over there to gather spruce needles. g̲ítg̲aa, -de, ya-si-haa, yóo

G̲ooch doogú awlixwách. She tanned a wolf hide. g̲ooch, a doogú, li-xwaach

G̲ooch Yanyeidí k̲aa at oohéini áwé. The Wolf is the property of the Yanyeidi Clan. k̲aa at oohéini, g̲ooch, Yanyeidí

G̲u.aa l kwshé iwulx̲éidlik̲. Bless you. (Lit: I hope you get lucky.) kwshé, g̲u.aa, li-x̲eitl

G̲unaax̲oo K̲wáan x̲at sitee. I am from Dry Bay. G̲unaax̲oo K̲wáan

G̲unaax̲oo K̲wáanx̲ has sitee wé lingít. Those people are Dry Bay people. G̲unaax̲oo K̲wáan

G̲unakadeit daat tláagudáx̲ k̲udzitée. There are stories about sea monsters. g̲unakadeit, a daat, tláagu, -dáx̲, k̲u-dzi-tee1

G̲unayáade a daat sh tudinook yeedát. He feels differently about it now. a g̲unayáade, yeedát, a daat, A + sh di-nook

G̲unayéide at x̲aa.áx̲ch. I’m hearing strange sounds. g̲unayéide, at ya-.aax̲1

G̲unayéide kditlawu g̲ayéis' tíx' du jeewú. He has steel cables of different sizes. g̲unayéide, ya-tlaa, g̲ayéis’ tíx’, du jee

G̲uwakaan at xáshti téel ax̲ dachx̲ánk' jeeyís ax̲ tuwáa sigóo. I would like Deer skin moccasins for my grandchild. g̲uwakaan, at xáshti téel, du dachx̲án, du jeeyís, si-goo1

G̲uwakaan déi yaax̲t woo.aat. Deer are walking around on the roadside. g̲uwakaan, déi, ya-.aat1

G̲uwakaan dleeyí aatlein yak’éi. Deer meat is really good. g̲uwakaan dleeyí, aatlein

G̲uwakaan dleeyí stoox tóonáx̲ awsi.ée. She cooked deer meat in the oven. g̲uwakaan dleeyí, stoox, a tú, -náx̲,

G̲uwakaan taayí kas’úkx̲u yís akaawaxaash. She cut up deer fat for frying. g̲uwakaan taayí, a kas’úkx̲u, a yís, ka-ya-xaash

G̲uwakaan taayí teen dleey awsi.ée. She cooked meat with the deer fat. g̲uwakaan taayí, dleey,

G̲uwakaan yádi kajikáx’x̲. A fawn is spotted. g̲uwakaan yádi, ka-ji-káx’x̲