Tlingit Example Sentences with Audio

This collection of over 1,500 Tlingit example sentences and audio recordings was part of a Sealaska Heritage Institute project funded by the Administration for Native Americans between 2005 and 2009. Sentences were provided by elders Keiyishí Bessie Cooley, Kingeistí David Katzeek, Saḵaayí Anita Lafferty, Ḵooteix̱téek Johnny Marks, Aan Yax̱ Saxeex June Pegues, Ḵáachkoo.aaḵw Helen Sarabia, and G̱unaakʼw Fred White. Written examples were compiled by Keri Eggleston. Audio recordings feature the voices of Kingeistí David Katzeek, Saḵaayí Anita Lafferty, Ḵooteix̱téek Johnny Marks, Aan Yax̱ Saxeex June Pegues, Ḵáachkoo.aaḵw Helen Sarabia, and G̱unaakʼw Fred White.

Upload of this resource to this website was made possible by funding from the National Science Foundationʼs Dynamic Languages Infrastructure Program, award #BCS- 2125197 “Morphologically Complex Data Collection and Analysis for Improving Lexicographic Models” to the University of Alaska Fairbanks with Keri Eggleston as PI.

NOTE: We recommend not using Safari as your browser for this resource as it may not load properly. Please note that there are many typos, misspellings, missing tones, etc. in the written examples, as well as many places where the audio recording doesnʼt match up with the written examples in terms of word order. There are also some examples where the audio isnʼt available. The present project however, has concluded, and itʼs not possible to fix these problems at this time. In the interest of making this resource available to the community ASAP, it is being included here despite these issues. The goal during the next phase of the project will be to edit the written examples to match the audio recordings and fix any other typos and correct instances of missing audio. In the meantime, please enjoy the voices of our elders!

Index | A | C | D | E | G | H | I | J | K | L | N | P | O | S | T | U | W | X | Y

Náakw du x̲’éix̲ wuduwatee du kalóox’shani néegooch. She was given medicine for her bladder pain. du kalóox'shani, náakw, néekw, k̲aa x̲’éi + ya-tee2

Náakw s’é áa yéi kk̲wa.oo ax̲ keey aag̲áa tsá wéi kashóok’ gwéil. I will put medicine on my knee first, then the heating pad. náakw, s’é, á, -x’, A-x’ + yéi + ya-.oo1, ax̲, du keey, aag̲áa, tsá, kashóok’ gwéil

Náakwx̲ awliyéx̲ aasdaak’óox̲’u. She made medicine out of pitch. aasdaak’óox̲’u, náakw

Náakw yís awsitáa wé g̲ítg̲aa. He boiled the pine needles for medicine. g̲ítg̲aa, náakw, si-taa3

Náakw yís kayaaní ashigóok, áa k̲u.aas akwdlix̲éitl’ k̲aa x̲’éix̲ aawuteeyí. He knows medicinal plants but he is afraid to give them to anyone. kayaaní, náakw, a yís, shi-gook1, á, -x’, k̲u.aas, A-x’ + a-ka-dli-x̲eetl’, k̲aa x̲’éi + ya-tee2

Nadáakw kát téen wé x’úx’ gwéil. The empty paper bag is laying on the table. gwéil, nadáakw, x’úx’

Nadáakw káx' yéi na.oo! Put it on the table! nadáakw, a ká, ya-.oo1.2

Nás’gadooshú ch’iyaash kax̲waach’ák’w hoon yayís. I carved eight flat bottomed canoes to sell. ch'iyaash, nás’gadooshú, hoon, yayís

Nás’gináx̲ has yatee wé Yéil naa sháade nák̲x'i. There are three Raven Clan leaders. k̲aa sháade nák̲x'i, nas’gináx̲

Nás’gináx̲ k̲áax’w wé hít káa yéi jiné. There are three men working on that house. k̲áax'w, hít, yéi + ji-ya-nei

Nás'k at xáshti x'óow áwé du káa kakg̲wagéi k'oodás' sákw, wé k̲áa tlein jee yís. It will take three leather blankets for the big man's shirt. nás'k, at xáshti x'óow, ka-ya-gei1, k'oodás', sákw, k̲áa

Nás'k yagiyee a kaanáx̲ has yaawa.át. They walked for three days. nás’k, yagiyee, a ká, -náx̲, has, ya-.aat1

Néekwch at ash yaawa.aat. Sickness is trying to get him. néekw

Neil has oowa.át. They came home. has, neil

Nóokch x̲at kulitán. I get sick easily. néekw

Nóosk káx̲ g̲aatáa yan awli.át. He set traps for wolverine. g̲aatáa, nóosk, li-.aat2

Nukshiyáan x̲aagú k̲únáx̲ yalik'áts'. Wolverine claws are really sharp. nukshiyáan, a x̲aagú, k̲únáx̲, ya-li-k'aats'