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Native Pathways to Education
Alaska Native Cultural Resources
Indigenous Knowledge Systems
Indigenous Education Worldwide

Curriculum Resources for the Alaskan Environment

Subject Areas: all

Timeline: weekly/repeated

Grade Levels: 9-12

Purpose: to provide the student an opportunity to apply academic concepts in a teaching role


J. and V. Lewis
Teacher's Aide



Square bullet Activities

  • Make arrangements with the elementary school staff to place students.
  • Have students choose preferred grade level and subject area.
  • Students will assist the certified teacher one hour per day, four days per week.
  • Discuss experiences at the end of the week.
  • Work with the cooperating teacher to decide how best to use the students.
  • Have the students keep journals recording who they worked with, the subject area, lesson plan, lesson results, their own reactions, suggestions, and comments.

Square bullet Resources

  • elementary schools within the community
  • teaching methods books (Spice series, curriculum guides, etc.)
  • visiting educators


  • Try different time allotments (two hours two days per week, four hours one day per week).
  • Students can actually plan and execute lessons and projects. 
  • Use tutoring to conduct the project. 
  • Set up a preschool/aide program:

    have students work with the community to establish a location for the preschool. The program can exist within homes on an individual family basis or within a centrally located building such as the community center or school

    have students recruit preschoolers and develop the program: with the instructor's help and parents' counsel, develop lessons, activities, and projects. Have one parent volunteer to assist each day

    have students keep a daily journal of activities, including lessons, successes, failures, and comments

    have a weekly discussion with parents.


Carving and Jewelry Co-Op

Fund-Raising: Concessions/Raffle/Auction/T-Shirt Sales

Rummage Sales

Mail Order Business

School-Based Enterprises

Café Operation

Open House

Community Use of School Library

Village Recreation

Guest Speakers


Local Livelihood

On-the-Job/Cooperative Education

College Preparation

Teacher's Aide Training

Managing Community Affairs

Land Claims Brainstorming

The Corporation Game or Alaska Monopoly

Reconveyances: ANCSA Studies

Resource Development Options

City Council Meeting Simulation

Mock Board of Directors Meeting

REAA School Board Trip

Your Village

Family Tree

Village Archaeology

Building Traditional Dwellings

Cultural Heritage Projects

Traditional Hunters Manual

Ethnic Dinners

Following the Iditarod Dog Race

Visit to the Tribes

Trip to Mexico

Cross-Country Skiing

Firearms Handling

First-Aid Training

Christmas Shopping      



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Alaska Native Knowledge Network
University of Alaska Fairbanks
PO Box 756730
Fairbanks  AK 99775-6730
Phone (907) 474.1902
Fax (907) 474.1957
Questions or comments?
Last modified August 17, 2006