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Native Pathways to Education
Alaska Native Cultural Resources
Indigenous Knowledge Systems
Indigenous Education Worldwide

Curriculum Resources for the Alaskan Environment

Subject Areas: current events, social studies

Timeline: 2.5 months

Grade Levels: high school

Purpose: to increase student awareness of the community in which they are living-who lives there, when they came from, how they spend their time; to write a monograph of the village


K. Ladegard
Your Village



Square bullet Activities

  • Divide the class into groups of two or three students and give each group an assignment. These assignments may include the following:

    make a map of your town; draw in all of the households, businesses, public buildings, and other structures; for each household, make a card listing who lives there; this activity will help students to conduct a census of the community; all business and public buildings should also be keyed to a card so students can gain an idea of the number of businesses and public buildings that exist in the community

    interview each of the religious leaders to determine the history of their respective churches and the number of people in attendance at their church write up the results of each interview

    make a list of all political and economic boards (e.g., city council, community school committee, health board, etc.); interview a member (preferably chairman) from each to determine the group's goals and the amount of participation in local politics

    make a list of all social organizations; interview a member of each to determine history, participation, and goals of the group

    conduct a series of interviews of elders and parents to determine why and when people arrived and from where

    put information together into a book; writing life histories and biographies wili help students to identify critical historical information.


  • Develop a questionnaire and have students canvas the community:

    this may not be feasible if your community school committee does not want students outside the school building during school hours

    also, some village residents might perceive the questionnaire to be intrusive and rude; you would have to present your project very gracefully.

  • Use photography, tape recorders, and video equipment.


Carving and Jewelry Co-Op

Fund-Raising: Concessions/Raffle/Auction/T-Shirt Sales

Rummage Sales

Mail Order Business

School-Based Enterprises

Café Operation

Open House

Community Use of School Library

Village Recreation

Guest Speakers


Local Livelihood

On-the-Job/Cooperative Education

College Preparation

Teacher's Aide Training

Managing Community Affairs

Land Claims Brainstorming

The Corporation Game or Alaska Monopoly

Reconveyances: ANCSA Studies

Resource Development Options

City Council Meeting Simulation

Mock Board of Directors Meeting

REAA School Board Trip

Your Village

Family Tree

Village Archaeology

Building Traditional Dwellings

Cultural Heritage Projects

Traditional Hunters Manual

Ethnic Dinners

Following the Iditarod Dog Race

Visit to the Tribes

Trip to Mexico

Cross-Country Skiing

Firearms Handling

First-Aid Training

Christmas Shopping      



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Alaska Native Knowledge Network
University of Alaska Fairbanks
PO Box 756730
Fairbanks  AK 99775-6730
Phone (907) 474.1902
Fax (907) 474.1957
Questions or comments?
Last modified August 17, 2006