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Aleut RavenNiiĝuĝim Tunugan Ilakuchangis
Introduction to Atkan Aleut
Grammar and Lexicon

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Report of Thought and Speech

(I or he thought or said:)

Maqaĝilakaq. I am all right.

Maqaĝilakax̂. He is all right.

(I tell you about my thought:)

Maqaĝinaĝulang (Maqaĝinangulax) anuxtakuq. I think I'm all right.

Maqaĝilakan anuxtakung. I think that he is all right.

(I tell you about my saying:)

Maqaĝinaĝulang (Maqaĝinangulax) hix̂takuq. I just said that I'm all right.

Maqaĝilakan hix̂takung. I just said that he is all right.

(I tell you about his thought and saying:)

Maqaĝinaĝulaan (Maqaĝinaanulax) anuxtakux̂. He thinks that he is all right.

Maqaĝinaĝulaan (Maqaĝinnaanulax) hix̂takux̂. He just said that he is all right.

Maqaĝilakating anuxtakux̂. He thinks that I am all right.

Maqaĝilakating hix̂takux̂. He just said that I am all right.

(I tell you what he said to me:)

Maqaĝilakat anuxtakuq. I think that you are all right.

Maqaĝilakat hix̂takuq. I just said that you are all right.

(I tell you what he said to another one:)

Maqaĝilakan anuxtakuu. He thinks that he (the other) is all right.

Maqaĝilakan hix̂takuu. He just said that he (the other) is all right.

(I thought:)

Chagix̂ waaĝaasakux̂t. You are bringing a halibut.

(I say:)

Chagix̂ waaĝaasat anuxtanaq. I thought that you were bringing a halibut.

(The wife wondered:)

Alqukum uqitlakan hamamatal? Why does he not return?

Ayagagan alqukum uqitlakan hamamatal anuxtaqaa. His wife (thought =) wondered why he did not return.

(I or he said:)

Saĝuugamagix̂ hnux̂tanaq. I visited Seguam (in the past).

Saĝuugamagix̂ hnux̂tanax̂ ax̂takux̂. He has visited Seguam (it is said).

(Report of what he or I said or thought:)

Saĝuugamagix̂ hnux̂tanax̂ txin hiisax̂tanax̂. He said that he had visited Seguam.

Saĝuugamagix̂ hnux̂tanax̂ hiisax̂taqang. I said that he had visited Seguam.

Saĝuugamagix̂ hnux̂tanax̂ anuxtaasalakaĝing. I don't think that he has visited Seguam. 

Ayugnas qanayiim qilagan haqaaĝan aĝnax̂txidix hiisax̂tal? When did those who went out say that they would come back tomorrow? At what time tomorrow did those who went out say that they would come back?

(The man said:)

Qanguda! Come in!

(I tell you about it:)

Tayaĝux̂ qanguuq hix̂tanax̂. The man asked me to come in.

(The man said:)

Sulagada! Don't take it!

(I tell you about it:)

Tayaĝum sulagaaq ngus (iming) hix̂taqaa. The man told me not to take it.

(He said to me:)

Sulagaaqaan imis hix̂taangan ax̂takung. I told you (a while ago) not to take it.

(The teacher said:)

Hadaming huyada! Come to me!

Uchiitilax̂ hadaam huyaaq hix̂takux̂. The teacher told me to come to him.

(The man said:)

Qilagan imis aĝiingan aqang. I'll give it to you tomorrow.

Tayaĝum qilagan ngus (iming) aĝiiĝan hix̂taqaa. The man said that he would give it to me tomorrow. 

(I asked him:)

Qilagan ayuxtaamis aĝnax̂t? Are you going out tomorrow?

Qilagan ayuxtaaĝan aax̂taa ngaan ahmayaax̂taqang. I asked him whether he would be going out tomorrow (the next day).

(I asked him:)

Kiin agiital ayuxtaamis aĝnax̂t? With who are you going out?

Kiin agiital ayuxtaaĝan aĝnax̂ aax̂taa ahmayaax̂taqang. I asked him with whom he would be going out tomorrow (the next day).

(I asked him:)

Txin kiduuq anuxtat ii? Do you want me to help you?

Txin kiduuq anuxtaax̂taa ngaan ahmayaax̂taqang. I asked him whether he wanted me to help him. 

(He asked me:)

Qilagan ayuxtanang ukux̂tanax̂t ii? Did you see me going out yesterday?

Qilagan ayuxtanaan ukux̂tanax̂ aax̂taang ngus (iming)ahmayaax̂taaĝan ax̂takux̂. He asked me whether I saw him going out yesterday.

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Last modified August 14, 2006